Copper Serpentine Ki-Rins

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  • #503318
    Wampus Dragon

      I won this little guy off of Ebay back in February:

      I was wondering, since you seem to have a small batch of Ki-rins to paints, can you paint parents for this little guy? I love the color and I would love to complete the set.

      To my fellow forum members, no anti-squeaks please in my thread. This is a copper serpentine pro-squeak thread only.


        he’s too wicked cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          I’m pretty sure the was an ebay male done in the serpentine color. Although I’m good with more. 🙂

          Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
          Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
          Sun Dragon Koi #3


            I TOTALLY support your squeak, Wampus. I dont have any special Kirins yet, and a male or mother in this color would be fabulous!

            Wampus Dragon

              This isnt Serpentine, it’s the reverse. Copper Serpentine. The main colors are Copper metallic and the accent colors are green instead of the other way around.


              I’m with you 100%! I actually really love this little baby in Copper Serpentine! I too would love to see more in the future! 🙂


                Anti-squeaks! HA HA HA!

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