
Copper Fern Emperor

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    Arlla wrote:

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    When Mom was teaching me to draw, she gave me a rule of thumb about heads. The length of the head shouldn’t exceed the length from the creature’s whithers (shoulders) to chest. I remember hearind Melody had to extend the emp’s head so it could rest on his chest to facilitate casting.

    That’s really interesting! 😀 Cool!

    It sure helps make good drawings.


    Holy smokes, Nam! He’s so gorgeous!!! I love him! Perfect colors 8) I know he’s really OOAK, but are you going to paint more kinda like him, or are we all going to bid each other up into insanity?


      boskydragon wrote:

      Holy smokes, Nam! He’s so gorgeous!!! I love him! Perfect colors 8) I know he’s really OOAK, but are you going to paint more kinda like him, or are we all going to bid each other up into insanity?

      I’ll be honest, I don’t even know how I got his colors to look like that. He has more transparent layers of paint and mica pigments on him than any I’ve done so far (creates a very rich color to him in person) and I have no real way to replicate it.

      It also depends on the outcome of the auction! I do like creating these guys for art’s sake, but if a color sells poorly in relation to the amount of time I put into it- well, it probably won’t be made again by myself. These take eons longer than the airbrushed pieces, so it takes a lot higher of a dollar amount to start making a profit on them (vs. an airbrushed piece, where a profit starts at a lower price of course). Again, I do love to do these for art’s sake, but the profit is what keeps Windstone in business and food on my table, so it’s a bit of a tradeoff. 🙂 I hope that makes sense.

      Maybe an example will help! These are made up numbers, just to describe.

      Assume that items cost $1/hour used to create them (this is totally made up, obviously things cost way more than that to make at Windstone. This doesn’t take into consideration a complex business model (where items cost in materials, time, and you have to factor in the rent, electric bill, etc, etc)

      Item A takes 3 hours to create, meaning that it cost $3 to create. Any dollar amount over $3 is profit. If item A routinely sells for $100, that means $97 is profit! Even if it only sells for $20, that means $17 is profit.

      Item B takes 50 hours to make, meaning that it cost $50 to make. If item B sells for $50, no profit is made. If the item sells for $20, the company loses $30.

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
      My art: featherdust.com


        beyond beautiful Nam. I’m sure he will be WAY out of the price range of most of us.
        Are you getting faster at painting the big dragons??


        I completely understand about profit, time, etc. I guess I was wondering if you would try another emp in the browns, copper, & green highlight (you do seem to excel in these colors). You’re saying provided he sells well… you will? (I am not concerned that he’ll sell high, as there are too many of us in love with him. Or rather, I am concerned that he’ll sell high, too high for me… 🙂 ) Regardless, he’s such a beauty, I know we’ll all be bidding high in the hopes of owning him. 🙂

        On another note, I’ve been wondering, have you ever painted a piece, say an emperor or griffin, and you absolutely love it and don’t want to part with it? What do you do? I can’t imagine how hard it is to be a collector of windstones and paint them to sell too. Or do you prefer pieces painted by someone else? (I always wondered if musicians listen to their own stuff or not…)


          This guy took longer than the Neptune Emperor, so I’m not any faster… I think it really depends on the complexity of the colors. 🙂

          I’d love to do another dragon in browns if this one does well enough. But it won’t be for a while, since I have a few other ideas that need to come first, and I’m going to be moving soon…

          I really loved the little Peridot PYO dragon I did. It was so tempting to keep him that I put him in his box until he goes to his new owner, so I can’t look at him and want to keep him.

          The male griffins are always hard for me to ship off. I really wanted to keep the Sun griffin! And this flame point griffin was special to me to, as he showed up in a dream of mine. He’s been sitting in my work area for over a month now waiting for his wife to be painted (:lol:) and I still like him but I get the feeling he’s ready to go on to his new owner, whomever that may be.

          I really like the Copper fern emperor, as browns and greens are my favorite. The only thing that is keeping me from hoarding him to myself is that the emperor sculpture, while I enjoy it- isn’t my favorite. 😉

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
          My art: featherdust.com


            Nambroth wrote:

            The only thing that is keeping me from hoarding him to myself is that the emperor sculpture, while I enjoy it- isn’t my favorite. 😉

            Which one in the dragon sculpts is your favorite?
            And any other sculpt?


              Blackdesertwind wrote:

              Nambroth wrote:

              The only thing that is keeping me from hoarding him to myself is that the emperor sculpture, while I enjoy it- isn’t my favorite. 😉

              Which one in the dragon sculpts is your favorite?
              And any other sculpt?

              I haven’t seen them all in person, but of the ones I have seen, I really like the Old Warrior, and the scratcher!

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
              My art: featherdust.com


              Any plans to paint an OW?


                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                Any plans to paint an OW?

                Earlier in this tread Nam said the following: 😉

                Nambroth wrote:

                I don’t want to do an OW, because then I’d be competing with Melody’s special and unique OWs. Same thing with a SK- I don’t want to compete with Olimpia’s special unique SKs. Plus shipping it back and forth between Windstone and myself seems cost prohibitive…


                Ah. 😳 Thanks for being a thorough reader, BDW.
                That’s what I get for scanning the forum when i should be working.


                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  Ah. 😳 Thanks for being a thorough reader, BDW.

                  😀 😆 I’m not usualy but when it concerns Nam well I want to know everything!


                  😆 😉


                    He’s up!! 😀 But I wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t checked my email – it isn’t showing up in the ebay search for me for some reason… 😡

                    "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                    -J R R Tolkien


                      3 of the new auctions are showing up through “view seller’s other items”. The copper fern already has 4 bids…

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