Cookie, by Kujacker :)

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  • #723864

    Dragon87 wrote:

    Really? I learned to run when my parent’s cat assumed that pose. It was the “Come closer so I could rip the skin off of your hand” pose.

    😯 I never met a cat who would do that 😯


      Thanks everyone for the comments, I really don’t know what else to say 😳 πŸ™‚
      And about the tummy picture… YES. I agree. Who CAN resist? That’s a pose that demands petting XD


        That’s really cute. Would you do one for my Katie? She’s a tortie, so it’s probably too hard. What do you charge for something like this?


          Very cute πŸ™‚


          Eleu wrote:

          Dragon87 wrote:

          Really? I learned to run when my parent’s cat assumed that pose. It was the “Come closer so I could rip the skin off of your hand” pose.

          😯 I never met a cat who would do that 😯

          That cat was the devil I swear. Getting to the vet was always fun. Though in the belly up pose I think he was trying to cool off and having a warm hand on his belly wasn’t helping (he has a THICK coat of fur). πŸ˜† Or he was ‘playing’ and doesn’t realize that even though he’s missing some claws, the ones that are left are razor sharp. πŸ˜•

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