Confused about Images, Links, etc on the new forum? Here's a guide!

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone Confused about Images, Links, etc on the new forum? Here's a guide!

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  • #503354

      I put together this webpage in order to help out some of the forum members who have been struggling with the HTML on the new forum as well as the lack of quick buttons to post pictures, links, etc.

      This page describes several different basic HTML codes. I had people in mind that have never used HTML and may never use it again for anything else. Please tell me if anything is confusing! I tried very hard to make it simple and easy to understand.

      Click Here for a Descriptive Guide

      The above link will bring you to a page where you can easily copy HTML codes for use on the forums. I included images, links, image links, and text formatting such as bold, italic, underline and changing the color of your text. There’s also a nifty color picker on there for those of us (yeah definitely me too) who don’t know any hexidecimal codes off the top of our heads XD

      It’s a bit descriptive – I was hoping to help people understand what the codes mean so that maybe it will be easier for them to make links and images. I know when I first started learning HTML nothing made sense to me at all! Once you use it for a little while you start understanding what things mean, and even remembering code off the top of your head πŸ™‚

      For those of you who already understand HTML but may not know the codes off the top of your head, I also made a quick reference page with just the HTML and no explanation. This page also has the color picker on it:

      Click here for the HTML Quick Reference

      Hopefully this will help some of the forum members who are having issues learning the new forum, and maybe *crossing fingers* help bring some people back who were wary of the changes.

      Let me know if you have any suggestions!

      Edit: Please note – to the HTML savvy – I realize many of these tags are deprecated! I didn’t want to try getting into styles because I know I’d lose almost everyone trying to explain that XD

      For those of you who don’t know what deprecated HTML tags are, it basically means that although your browser will recognize the tag, there is now a “better” (more involved) way of doing the same thing in code, and that eventually (read: likely years down the line) those tags will no longer receieve support.

      Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
      Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


        Awesome! This all looks fantastic!

        I also made a tutorial for posting pictures using Photobucket:


          That’s fantastic Stephanie!! Do you mind if I include a link to your tutorial on my page?

          Edit: I didn’t wait for your reply XD Let me know if you’d rather me take them down πŸ™‚

          Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
          Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


            That’s fantastic Stephanie!! Do you mind if I include a link to your tutorial on my page?

            Edit: I didn’t wait for your reply XD Let me know if you’d rather me take them down πŸ™‚

            Hehe! That’s why I posted it! πŸ˜€


              Hehe! That’s why I posted it! πŸ˜€

              Aww! Thank you! πŸ˜€

              Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
              Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                Thank you! I still am having trouble. I can’t figure out how to post images into the gallery either. I’ll ask Pam.


                  Thank you! I still am having trouble. I can’t figure out how to post images into the gallery either. I’ll ask Pam.

                  Go to the PYO gallery and use the “upload a PYO photo” button.

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