Concerning Photos and photo sites

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        I was browsing Flickr…to fine some Winstone dragon and other sculpt photos there. It made me wonder,what are the copyright rules to posting photos of winstones on websites like Flickr. Such as, an artistic photo of a Winstone you baught, you add the copy right to it, and do not make monney off it ok to post then?
        Or is that something that we prefer not to do or is against copyright
        I want to take some real nice photos of the two pieces I have….but when I ran across them on Flicker it just made me think if it would or would not be ok to post them on a photo site,and I had a bit of a hard time understanding the copyright page and how it would apply to this….

        Here are the some of the ones I found on Flickr:


        Young Dragon



        But, if you notice…Everyone of the people gives credit to Melody/ or Windstone. So, I wouldn’t think it would be a bad thing. Might actually draw more collectors, and help out Windstone itself. But, then again, I don’t own a copyright on anything… So, that would be up to John and Melody. 😀


          There is a possibility it could, yeah, but I don’t want to jump the gun with out getting some more information and opinions about it from other people.


          I have no clue about your question, but this pic is so very nice, .


          Indeed. It is very nice. It is different from any others I have seen.


            I guess I would put this question in the Ask Melody section or email John directly to find out. He’s the one that knows about copyrights, so it may be faster to just email him. He doesn’t check his PMs often, so I wouldn’t do that.


              I’ll see if I can get an answer from John, but he is out of town for a while so the answer might be slightly delayed.

              There are actually some weird rules in regards to photographing copyrighted and protected items (there are some buildings that you legally can’t share photos of- weird huh?).

              However, until we get an official answer, if you publish* photos anywhere online, please do the following:

              Make sure the photo has some sort of copyright text (such as Copyright © Windstone Editions) on the photo itself. The internet is a world of sharing, and it would be very easy for someone to save the image and post it elsewhere. At least this way there is copyright info on the photo so there is no confusion. A good example is the photo linked above to the young dragon. The first commenter thought that it was perhaps a drawing of the photographer’s. He/she cleared them up but it’s too easy to be mistaken without clear information. 😉

              Be clear on what people are seeing, if you have a description in the photo. For example something like “This is my favorite dragon!” can be misleading- something more along the lines of “This is my favorite dragon! He is a Windstone Editions dragon” or something might work well. 🙂

              Also, when you sign up for a photo host or gallery, read the terms of agreement. Many places word their contracts so that once you upload the images, you also sign over the rights to the images. Places like Photobucket can sell prints of the photo! This is bad news for Windstone, because you are essentially signing over electronic rights to the image. Use care when selecting your image host. 🙂

              *By publish, I mean anytime something is made available to the public, by uploading it onto a site where other people can see it. It doesn’t matter if only one other person sees it, or millions… it’s still considered electronic publishing. 🙂

              I hope that helps a little! I’ll get an official answer when I can. 🙂

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
              My art:


                Thanx Nambroth. That should help a lot. I am going to hold off on posting them on other public sites until after you hear back from John, waiting never hurts. I would just feel a lot better that way anyways.

                I never knew that about the contracts. I will have to go through and read photobuckets contract again.

                Right now I just have a photo account on Deviantart and one on Flickr that I just started I will have to read theirs tooo.I hate reading through DA,they make it so bloody confusing.

                Thanks again Nambroth.

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