Comissions for dcc_1961!!! Pics!!!

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      I use an Iwata HP-C airbrush. Thanks so much for all the compliments! On the doing repeats….not sure…I suppose I could. I don’t think dc would be too upset…she’s got the test pyo for the ember color as well…I have intentions of doing myself a fledgie and a scratcher when I can get hold of the pieces. Since I’m only one person I’d only be capable of producing a limited number due to needing damaged or imperfect pieces.. Yes, I label them all as repaints and sign each one to make sure there’s no confusion 8) . If anybody has a dragon comission they’d like me to work on just pm me and I’ll see what I can do to help! Mothers, males and spectrals run about 250 if I supply the dragon and about 150 if you supply it…..Laps and scratchers run 300 if I supply the dragon and 175 if you supply it. The small dragon pyo is 110 and the griffin is 175. Fledgies are 175 if I supply and 125 if suppliedd by you. I never see damaged ow’s so if anyone has one of those I’d like to buy it flat out!!


        That spectral looks remarkably like Melody’s Violet Flame:

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
        My art:


          I really wasn’t intented to copy or imitate at all…..the violet flame has alot more purple and alot less red and gold, I’m sorry if I’ve upset anyone. Let me know if I’m not allowed to use red, gold and purple together…..I was actually thinking I wanted a more colorful gold and I liked the black gold without the black…..So sorry…it was unintentional. 😥


          Oh My God!
          You know it’s really not nice to tease financially challenged people like that!!!!!! 😆 😆
          You certainly could “quit your day job”!


            I don’t think it’s the color combo as much as the same colors are used in the same areas of the dragon. (i.e. purple faded on the wings, spine, etc). I don’t think it’d fair to say you can’t use those colors together- no one owns red gold and purple, but Windstone owns the particular way that they are applied. Your patterning of those colors on the dragon is pretty close to the same. Does that make sense? 🙂

            I dunno if it’s okay or not- John has final say.

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
            My art:


            I was kinda thinking that the spectral looked simular to a Windstone color as well.


            That spect is so beautiful i thought it was a production piece! When i want a repaint done im sending it to you purple! 😀


              Sorry…I just started out with a gold dragon with red and then started adding purple….I actually hadn’t noticed the presence of gold on the violet flame until it was pointed out. I hadn’t looked at that color much….when I’m on that page I rarely make it lower than the ow’s since they’re my favorite…..Perhaps I could still do the color if I use less purple and more gold…I’d really like to know so I’ll be keeping an eye out for Johns call on this one….So sorry…..


              Maebnus3 wrote:

              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              😯 Oh my! That Spectral should be in production!

              I second that! I’d buy the entire line in that type of coloring if Windstone ever produced them. anybody have a mop?

              Me too! And Maebnus, where’d you get that drooleyy emoticon? Snap needs to give us one too.


                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                Maebnus3 wrote:

                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                😯 Oh my! That Spectral should be in production!

                I second that! I’d buy the entire line in that type of coloring if Windstone ever produced them. anybody have a mop?

                Me too! And Maebnus, where’d you get that drooleyy emoticon? Snap needs to give us one too.



                😛 Now that I quote Maebnus I see it. Thanks, Koishii.


                  One last thing….In my defense. The spectral is mostly gold and red, if the purple wings are an issue I could easily do them red and gold on any future pieces…this spectral’s wings were broken, which is why he ended up with me, and that’s why I chose purple on his wing area, it masks my imperfect sculpting repair. It’s near impossible to smoothly blend from gold to purple directly, the purple layers over the red so I couldn’t really do much different with the spine and still have red in his paint job….Also, EVERY dragon I do anything to is clearly labeled, “repair and repaint by TDawn Maddox.” I’m really trying to be careful and not step on any toes. I’m soooo sorry for the confusion. 🙂


                  Confusion notwithstanding, I still love that spectral. I do think you’d make a great Windstone painter, purplecat. 😉


                    yes, i second what GB siad. try not to stress to much over it, i’m sure John will let you know soon on what his opinion is.


                      I did ask about a week ago and windstone isn’t interested, but I can understand due to my location and that they have a great staff of artists already… I’m just upset my spectral was meant to be an original twist on a gold dragon and well… this……accidental but frustrating.

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