Comfort Food

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    So, the last few days I’ve been under the weather. Just bleh. So, I’ve been eating mostly rice and chicken soup, and crackers. Can’t forget the soda crackers. 😆 I’ll have to see if I can get some gingerale when I’m at work. It has to be Canada Dry. I won’t drink any other gingerales. 😛

    So what are your comfort foods? What do you eat when you’re not feeling good?



      mac and cheese, I loooove mac and cheese. you can add so many things to it and it will be different every time, parmesan, salsa, bacon, brocolli….the list goes on… Mmmmm…also grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup. Ice cream is always a good one too. When I’m really down and out I’ll sit with my comfort foods and watch a movie, this past week I’ve watched some Stargate season 3, Indiana Jones, I Robot, James Bond: Die Another Day, some of my Mash seasons…When I’m down I have a hard time sleeping so I end up being awake all night long. I also like to paint, but this week I’ve run out of things to paint too…so I’ve been on a movie binge… 🙂


        Chocolate. Lindt milk chocolate aaaaall the way.

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          Chicken noodle soup, macaroni and cheese, grill cheese sandwiches….those are always favorites when I’m feeling low. I also tend to drink more hot tea when I feel that way, particularly Earl Grey and English Breakfast. 🙂


            *hugs* hope you feel better soon. 🙂


            Seems like Mac’n Cheese, Grilled cheese sandwiches and soup are the #1 comfort foods. They’re hot, they’re easy, and they’re sooo good. Those must’ve been what my mom would give me growing up and so now it’s engrained in my mind that this is the best food on Earth for cheering you up. 😀


              I like Chicken Noodle Soup and Saltines with 7up (or Sprite) when I’m sick. Sometimes Ramen noodles are good too. And popcorn. 😀


                Nothing in the world like a fresh from the oven chocolate chip cookie either….or the dough before it goes in the oven….yummmmmm… 🙂


                Ummmm, those all sound so good. The chocolate cookie dough sounds the best though. But, for now, soup. At least I feel alittle better. 🙄


                  I’ve got a horrible cold too. I’m not sure from where since I don’t go out much (I work from home). I’m thinking hunny brought it home with him from the office. He never gets sick, pisses me off when he passes all the germs to me. 👿

                  My comfort food is congee, its a rice porridge. I’m Chinese so I crave the foods mom made when I was sick. And homemade soups..

                  edited cause I forgot to add my comfort food.


                  Hum, congee….. It sounds good. I don’t know if I’ve ever had any before. I’ll have to look into that one.


                    I make my hunny go with me to China Town when I’m not feeling well. You can get congee with all sorts of different combos. I like mine with liver and stuff but that might not be to everyone’s taste. 🙂 It’s good with chicken or pork too.


                      If I am sick, I don’t have an appitite… if I am depressed, its the same. I just don’t eat. 🙁


                      Well, that’s just it, I haven’t been eating much. I think my blood sugar was low and caused more blahness. 🙄

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