
Color scheme suggestion

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    Do you take color scheme suggestions? I’ll assume you said yes so I can post! LOL But Im not offended if you shoot it down.

    Id love to see, especially on a Curl first and foremost, a purple and yellow color scheme. It could be like Lemon Lavender Curl or Grape Lemon Curl, Lavender Merange (spelled wrong I know) etc.

    Another color combo I love is royal blue and a rich yellow such as Marigold (deeper like a yellow gold [but not gold gold] than bright yellow).

    What do you think? Anyone?

    Oh, and of course, NO rush! I know how busy you are! Just maybe a foot note in the cubby of your brain that swirls in perpetual chaos! 😉



    I could go for the purple and yellow, ut not that blue and yellow. I’d like to see one of the blues (royalish, I guess) come out. Those are really pretty. 😀


      Those all sound lovely, PT! 😀


        PhoenixTears wrote:

        Do you take color scheme suggestions? I’ll assume you said yes so I can post! LOL But Im not offended if you shoot it down.

        Id love to see, especially on a Curl first and foremost, a purple and yellow color scheme. It could be like Lemon Lavender Curl or Grape Lemon Curl, Lavender Merange (spelled wrong I know) etc.

        Another color combo I love is royal blue and a rich yellow such as Marigold (deeper like a yellow gold [but not gold gold] than bright yellow).

        What do you think? Anyone?

        Oh, and of course, NO rush! I know how busy you are!
        Just maybe a foot note in the cubby of your brain

        that swirls in perpetual chaos! 😉You’ll notice that on the airbrushed production pieces we don’t use opposite colors together. This is something that works better with hand brush painting, or if I do use strongly contrasting colors, it will be by putting those little spots of hand painted color against the body color of the dragon. We will continue to experiment and improve our painting as we evolve. I have been trying to make paint patterns that have patches of contrasting color against each other, but so far they haven’t been too successful!
        I would love to use colors like you suggest. These are also good ideas for the pyo painters out there!
        (I did a red dragon with blue spots that is interesting, the colors actually look good together, so we’ll see)


          You could call the Purple Yellow color ‘Amaterine’ (hope thats spelled right 😳 ) It’s a combination of amethyst and citrine that some times occurs in the same stone, very pretty. I was going to paint a Griffin and a Keeper in that color scheme 😀 ! Once you can figure out how to do it, that would make an awsome color scheme 8) . I would have to buy a bunch of those guys 😆 .


          I like the royal blue and bright yellow idea; I think that would be gorgeous, especially if they were metallics.


            I like the purple and yellow but not the blue and yellow


              I would say Purple and Gold instead of Yellow. Yellow would just stand out too much.Purple and Gold are very regal colors anyway


              Purple and yellow would be awesome 😀


              I agree! I’m eventually going to try it on a PYO dragon, once some more funds come my way! 🙂


              Dragon Master wrote:

              I would say Purple and Gold instead of Yellow. Yellow would just stand out too much.Purple and Gold are very regal colors anyway

              Yep. That would be good too and was something I was thinking of and forgot to put in my initial post. I also like the idea of reds and purples together too. Done right, thats another regal or royal combination.


                I agree that a golden color is better as well and, in fact, when I said yellow was actually thinking of a golden type yellow. Reds with purple and gold I think may be too much, but I have to admit I’m a freak for color 😆 . I’m sure a dragon in those colors would be very cool.


                  I Mardi Gras dragon would be KEWL too!!


                    Mardi Gras Dragons! Mardi Gras Dragons! 😀

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