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    Once again…It was the Ex. A X-mas present if you will. I wanted the emerald one, but he could only find the white. It was before the Net was so big. But he also got me the Emerald large Wiz that year too…Too bad we just couldn’t get along when we were together…Now we are pretty decent friends tho. Infact, our dog Maxx just had to be put down because of heart disease.(by our I mean, ours at one time…) 😥 I plan on making 2 PYO wolves to Immortalize him with, 1 for me and 1 for him. He was half Samoyed and half Gordon-Setter. A little “Angel Maxx”. 🙂


      Oh. Sorry to hear about your dog. It’s good you still have a good relationship with the ex though.


        and at least your dog had a good life


        ohhh where is a pic of the brown lap? I don’t recall her?


            SPark wrote:

            I see one problem, namely that none of the dragons you’ve named come in green.

            Well the Emperor came in green but I don’t know if I’ll ever have the money for that one (I can always dream). I can only hope that Melody comes out with more LP in the old green color. I would love to have a lap in that color…maybe if I begg alot


            Not a great pic…But this is Maxx…
            I figured wiht a look like that, he deserves his wings. 🙂 [/img]


            Ooh, he’s pretty! He’ll be fun to paint. I wonder how you’ll do the wings to match?


            I’m not sure, since he is mostly black, I will most likely do mostly tans and whites on the wings. It will be a nice contrast. I hope to have one finished by Maxx’s birthday.


              What a cute doggie! It would be nice to have a winged wolf painted like him. Post pics when you are done.


                oohh cute dog I love that look on his face. I think brown & tan wings would look good with the black.


                  pipsxlch wrote:

                  I’ve got the Emperor in old green, purchased new.
                  (And no, he’s not for sale lol)

                  drool! 😯 I want one so bad!!!I would kill for him in the old green or brown. did I say kill? just joking or am I LOL


                    pipsxlch wrote:

                    I’ve got the Emperor in old green, purchased new.
                    (And no, he’s not for sale lol)

                    I’m curious where you got him? He looks great. I have a friend who is looking for one and I wanted to know what direction they should go to maybe find one.


                      The only one I know of is the $549 one on Ebay.


                      Shhhhh!!! Ski… 😛
                      😆 😆

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