Collector's Club Survey

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    Yes, Pocket Dragons, unfortunately, are also gone. Apparently the distributors of Pocket Dragons (Goebel, I think, or some company in Europe) wanted Real to mass-produce them, cheapen the line by changing the way they looked, to make more money, and to fight that, he retired them.


      Sounds eerily similar to what happened to Enchantica…the new company is having them mass-produced in china..prob taking down the value of est pieces in the that anyone cares about that really… 😉


        IMO, the qualifications to join the club, should be really simple, like a $20 a year fee, and the new member swearing that they don’t eat puppies or dropkick hatchers.

        That would make it more approachable for newcomers, and easier for Windstone staff to keep track of.

        Hanging out on the forum seems to be its own reward. But I can see wanting some kind of official-official recognition, for long term fans and collectors.

        So here’s a thought. Which may just be -> 😈 <- but here it goes. By putting the club newsletter online and keeping overhead low, the club would hopefully balance out to maintain, cost and (hopefully) timewise. So let's say that after five years of paying dues and being a club member, the member is given the option of a lifetime membership for say, $50 or whatever price. Or something similarly shiny, but not costly to Windstone. But long-term forum members, or dealers or what have you, are given the option to pay however many years they've been around retroactively, in order to get the shiny lifetime membership sooner.

        Random idea to toss around. 😕


          We need to keep in mind that we have lurkers who don’t post much but may well be part of our community. I would hate to see them excluded because they don’t have much to say but do enjoy the forums.

          Obviously Windstone will come to some conclusion about rules or guidelines. There may also be hard core collectors who would be interested in a club but may not have time for reading the forum. I know I have less time in the summer and around finals week. Right now I have lots of time, but a few weeks ago I had none.

          Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
          Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
          Sun Dragon Koi #3


            I think just about everyone could afford a one a year fee of 20.00 ….I don’t think we need life time memberships…if that 20.00 or so bucks got me a special piece, posters, prints, whatever and some discounts I would consider it worth it.

            Posting on the forum shouldn’t be a pre-requisite for the club. It could have a members-only section though..and members could get some neat little symbol or something to put on their signatures..something that shows up with their posts..maybe a golden W ?

            Online newsletter would be fine with could be posted in the members-only section and notices sent via email or just send them in emails. Members could also get advance notice of when limited pieces are going to go on sale or maybe even pre-order em’ 😮


              Maplecarver wrote:

              IMO, the qualifications to join the club, should be really simple, like a $20 a year fee, and the new member swearing that they don’t eat puppies or dropkick hatchers.

              But… but….. Hatchers are like, perfect dropkick size! 🙁


                Pam Thompson wrote:

                But… but….. Hatchers are like, perfect dropkick size! 🙁

                😆 😆 😆

                Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                Sun Dragon Koi #3


                  😮 Who want to drop kick those lovely little dragon rumps… ?

                  Push over a cliff maybe or out of a tree…but that’s just teaching them to fly…

         might break your toe on em’…. 😀


                    setsunawolf wrote:

                    We need to keep in mind that we have lurkers who don’t post much but may well be part of our community. I would hate to see them excluded because they don’t have much to say but do enjoy the forums.

                    Obviously Windstone will come to some conclusion about rules or guidelines. There may also be hard core collectors who would be interested in a club but may not have time for reading the forum. I know I have less time in the summer and around finals week. Right now I have lots of time, but a few weeks ago I had none.

                    This. I don’t post often, but I do read… usually.

                    Windstone collector in remission. 😉


                      Many of the collectible clubs I have seen have a yearly membership fee and it gives members access to either special pieces (not necessarily at a discount), a newsletter (if there is one), or a member’s side only part of a website. Sometimes access to special events, but it depends on the club.

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