collection in new display case!

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      I sent Ski in Germany a Large Peacock cat Wizard from there and she LOVED the way he smelled when she got him.
      Elijah was GREAT to work with
      The only problem is they where cramped so badly that almost every Windstone he had was damaged in some way
      I bought a LOT of retired pieces from him for Forum members. Pam Thompson get the Emerald Emperor he had for days. There where 2 little paint chips on his back


      pegasi1978 wrote:

      Windstone hasn’t made the coiled dragon or mother coiled dragon in emerald peacock yet. Several members are hoping they will, especially considering Windstone re-released the molds in Black Gold last year.

      That sitting spectral is definately a peacock and not an Emerald Peacock. Biggest giveaway is the belly color. On the EmPeas its that paler green color, but on the Peacocks it tends to be blue and purple. The peacock coloration changed over the years and that’s why some pieces may not “match” as well.That’s really good to know! I’ll put the spectral over with his peacock family when I get his poor broken wing mended (right now he’s hiding out of sight of the mirror) and be on the lookout for an empea sitting spectral and on the watch for the release of the coils when they come. And the coil will have to go over to join the emerald lap. Thank you!


      Who are the sun dragons that are goldish colored? Ones that were one of a kind? They’re pretty πŸ™‚

      You must have a million bucks in dragons LOL


      Those are the pearl/gold LE. There were only 10 made and I was incredibly lucky enough to get one from another forum member. πŸ˜†


      drgnlvr wrote:

      Those are the pearl/gold LE. There were only 10 made and I was incredibly lucky enough to get one from another forum member. πŸ˜†

      Or maybe you meant the darker one. The light one is the pearl/gold and the darker one is only the 2nd of two, so it’s called Bronze/gold #2. I really had to fight hard for that one’ πŸ˜€
      No, not nearly a million (Wouldn’t THAT be fun!) but Windstones are a spendy addiction. Someone told me I should join DA (Dragons Anonymous), but I said I couldn’t, I’m still in denial! πŸ˜†

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