3 Old Greens

New Sun Babies

Chocolate, brown lap, sitting spectral. Buddies!

Some more gold
11 Rubies, 1 RedFire Sitting Spectral

My beyootiful PYO from Kujacker

Black-golds facing the sun
My favorites!

A room full of rainbows in the sun

Emerald-peacocks, my close-second favorites. One of each, I think, 14

Stunning silvers! Blue-eyed, lavender-eyed curlies,..

Silvers in their home

My very first Windstone! A male Peacock!

Opposite smaller display case

A herd of Ki-rins
Kitties and horsies, oh my!

Stone Windstones

Animals of the ark candleholder

Glowing owls, cat, winged wolf, and lion in my inner office. My clients love them!