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      It’s cold . But I prefer it over the savage heat of summer .


        Well, boyohs didn’t get their snow/cold weather day. Over night we warmed up to 40F, boyohs were extremely disgusted! So what little snow we had has all melted and we’re getting rained on with freezing temps tonight. They may have to skate to school tomorrow 😉

        twindragonsmum 🙂



          We had two snow days in a row! Just got back to school/work today. (Though I had to work at home. Bleh!)

          We live in Oregon and had over a foot of snow. Which means the whole city shut down. LOL


            My little girl hasnt had school all week. I am wondering if they are going to have school tomorrow either! It’s not the depth of the snow here, its all the black ice on the roads.


              A snow storm coming here .


                Stay warm everyone!

                twindragonsmum 😉



                  Still no snow – it’d be nice if it did snow but it’ll have to warm up a bit first. Right now it’s colder than snot and we’re getting freezing rain. Everything is slicker than heck. The only people who are enjoying it are me boyohs. They’re trying to talk dad into letting them build an ice rink out back… *rolls eyes* silly boyohs… The cats are hating it but the dog is enjoying being inside *usually he wants OUT*

                  twindragonsmum :p



                    Finally warming up here . Icy roads . Going to rain later this week . As long as it doesn’t freeze after . UGH .


                      Well Colorado has mostly been ditching the bad weather of late… it was like 63 deg F the other day, and has stayed in the mid to high 50’s for quite a while…

                      But, Colorado being Colorado… they’re predicting 12-24″ of snow over the next couple of days. You would never guess it by looking outside right now, it looks pretty nice, a chill but not too cold 44deg F and sunny… but at my bfs place here, we’ll know the moment it comes off that mountain!

                      If the plains are gettin nailed like this, the mountains are going to have some fun! o.o lol


                        Some place in Alaska just hit -80F (not including windchill) the other night. Coldest on record for the US. I think they couldn’t get the actual reading though, because the measurement device being used stopped at about -80F, presumably because the battery froze. :O

                        That should make everyone feel just a little bit toastier! 8)


                        Some place in Alaska just hit -80F (not including windchill) the other night. Coldest on record for the US. I think they couldn’t get the actual reading though, because the measurement device being used stopped at about -80F, presumably because the battery froze. :O

                        That should make everyone feel just a little bit toastier! 8)

                        OK I feel warm now. I’ll keep my -40c and they can have their -80F Yikes


                          Some place in Alaska just hit -80F (not including windchill) the other night. Coldest on record for the US. I think they couldn’t get the actual reading though, because the measurement device being used stopped at about -80F, presumably because the battery froze. :O

                          That should make everyone feel just a little bit toastier! 8)

                          and this is how I feel better about possible two feet of snow over the weekend (A weekend that was supposed to have lots of fun things to do for my bf n I, since we didn’t go out dancing last weekend and I was up north the two weekends prior to that, so that’s what I’m most bummed about! lol)


                            Ground hog saw his shadow this morning so it’s official – 6 more weeks of winter… I wouldn’t mind a little snow it’s just the sub-zero temps that are nasty *sigh* (boyohs are plotting and planning to turn the backyard into a skating rink… )

                            twindragonsmum :p



                              I felt robbed of my winter this year. We had one month of “cold” (if you count the 50sF being cold) nights and that’s it. It started getting warm in January (we had a whole week that was in the 80sF), and it has continued to be warm. I wait all year for the winter, and I didn’t even get one this year!


                                I felt robbed of my winter this year. We had one month of “cold” (if you count the 50sF being cold) nights and that’s it. It started getting warm in January (we had a whole week that was in the 80sF), and it has continued to be warm. I wait all year for the winter, and I didn’t even get one this year!

                                I hear you. I think we got below 0 F TWICE in the Twin Cities. And now it’s 40s everyday like it’s March instead of early Feb. Hate this. 😐

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