Coffee Table Photography Book

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    Wonder if anyone has ever asked this…but have you ever thought of producing one of those coffee table photography books of all your art? There are so many original pieces that have been sold, are still on the back shelves of the factory (paint tests?) and are still being produced, that I have no doubt you could put together a quality book and sell it for about $60 apiece. The old Windstone booklets were really cool and something along those lines on a larger scale would really sell like hotcakes. Especially for those who want to own, but can’t afford some of the larger pieces (all the OWs, Secret Keepers, etc). Plus, it’s a great way to display your one-of-a-kind sculptures that will never be sold. I know a lot of artists have had success with this type of endeavor and it also works as advertisement for the Windstone name. Anyway, just a thought. 😉



    If Windstone ever made a book like that, I’d buy one!

    Michael Whelan (my favorite graphic artist) has done one like that of his art and I really like looking through it.


      I’d buy one too!!! 😀


        If I lived close to the factory, I’d offer to take pictures! But hey, maybe Nirvana can take pictures and I can put them in a book using Adobe Indesign. That way busy Melody can stay busy painting! 😀


        I would love to see one too I must admit. I saw one of your prints in person this weekend. The two Pegasi and I was amazed at the detail. They are just not the same in person. I am kicking myself for not buying it…it was only 12 bucks! Grrrr. But I will try to go back and pick it up soon. It was wonderful.


        I love that kind of book. I don’t own any prints but I’d buy a book of them.


        I guess I was thinking it wouldn’t be a book of the prints…but more a book of all the sculptures. They really catch the eye and I have no doubt every one of my visitors would pour over the book every time I have them over for dinner!! 🙂


        I’d still buy it. A book containing every sculpt in every color ever produced, even OOAK and limited editions… Yeah, I’d buy it.


          pheonixx wrote:

          Wonder if anyone has ever asked this…but have you ever thought of producing one of those coffee table photography books of all your art? There are so many original pieces that have been sold, are still on the back shelves of the factory (paint tests?) and are still being produced, that I have no doubt you could put together a quality book and sell it for about $60 apiece. The old Windstone booklets were really cool and something along those lines on a larger scale would really sell like hotcakes. Especially for those who want to own, but can’t afford some of the larger pieces (all the OWs, Secret Keepers, etc). Plus, it’s a great way to display your one-of-a-kind sculptures that will never be sold. I know a lot of artists have had success with this type of endeavor and it also works as advertisement for the Windstone name. Anyway, just a thought. 😉

          We want to do just that. I don’t know if it will be a big beautiful “coffee table ” book, but a book of the Windstone collection. Maybe we can get it together for Windstones’s twenty-fifth aniversery in three years.
          Or, maybe have a series of collector books, since we are always doing new things..
          We just don’t got time to work on it now!!


          Another thing planned! 😆
          Windstone turns 25 in three years? We MUST have a forum “family reunion” at the factory then!


            Ya I was thinking more of a book of sclupts too, but any prints would be nice too. Maybe make them smaller, fit 2+ to a page, that way you’d still have to buy the print to get the nice big sizes.

            wow, 25 years 😯


            Melody wrote:

            pheonixx wrote:

            Wonder if anyone has ever asked this…but have you ever thought of producing one of those coffee table photography books of all your art? There are so many original pieces that have been sold, are still on the back shelves of the factory (paint tests?) and are still being produced, that I have no doubt you could put together a quality book and sell it for about $60 apiece. The old Windstone booklets were really cool and something along those lines on a larger scale would really sell like hotcakes. Especially for those who want to own, but can’t afford some of the larger pieces (all the OWs, Secret Keepers, etc). Plus, it’s a great way to display your one-of-a-kind sculptures that will never be sold. I know a lot of artists have had success with this type of endeavor and it also works as advertisement for the Windstone name. Anyway, just a thought. 😉

            We want to do just that. I don’t know if it will be a big beautiful “coffee table ” book, but a book of the Windstone collection. Maybe we can get it together for Windstones’s twenty-fifth aniversery in three years.
            Or, maybe have a series of collector books, since we are always doing new things…

            Awesome! I vote for the coffee table book! 🙂


            That book would be awesome. It would also be a way that we could get more stores to buy Windstones for us.


            It would be cool to see some of the pieces in there natural habitat. Definitely have a section for collectors and their favorite collections, or a submission of some.

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