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  • #497059
    Fritochick (Mary)

      Fritochick (Mary)

        Now that I’m back buying—is there an appropriate way to clean the pieces? One of the pieces was rather dusty when I recieved it.


          Hmm…maintenance-wise, I just use one of those swiffer dusters and a bottle of canned air. But the ones I’ve bought that have been really dusty at first, I use a clean, dry paintbrush (a soft one, not like…boar bristle or something, haha). If it’s really caked in there, I wet it a little (but don’t use water/anything damp on ruby dragons).

          I also understand that some people have used activated charcoal (you can buy it at pet stores in the fish dept) to get out smoke smells, but I usually let mine fade naturally. The two that I’ve bought that had any smell like that, you’d never know now.


            I know there are entire threads about this…

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            There are somewhere, but I don’t do so hot on looking up old things. I give up to easy. 🙄 😆
            I use a soft bristled toothbrush, and water if they are sticky dirty (When you aquire one that needs cleaning.) Otherwise I use a damp soft cloth and warm water with no soap or detergents, and have been since 1986. 😀 But, the canned air thing sounds so much easier…Scott’s got an air compressor, I may have to try that one… 😈


              I hope this will help!!


              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
              My art: featherdust.com


                Maybe we should make that a sticky.


                  Hmm, we have a lot of stickies. Instead, I’ll include it in the “Links to live by” sticky so that it’s easy to find!

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                  My art: featherdust.com


                  I was wondering what I should do to clean my emerald scratcher… he has dust all stuck in between his scales and everywhere that won’t come off with a cloth/q-tips/canned air/anything. I don’t want to get him wet but I dunno what else to do. 😕

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