Classified ads and paypal payments – Please read if you are a buyer or a seller

Home Forums Windstone Editions Announcements Classified ads and paypal payments – Please read if you are a buyer or a seller

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      This is a reminder that sellers in our Classified Ads should not request that buyers pay them by sending money through Paypal as “Friends & Family.”  Here’s an excerpt from our Classified Ad Rules:

      ” -When using PayPal, don’t send “personal payments” when buying goods or services. PayPal only protects you as a buyer if you pay for items by paying for “Goods”. Never send a “personal” payment through PayPal if you are buying an item. It is also a violation of PayPal’s Terms of Service.”


      Please do not request payments be made in this fashion and please do not make payments in this fashion – its not good for either person’s part of the equation.   Thank you!


        As a reminder if you are selling or buying in the Windstones Classified Ads. Please read the Rules and Guidelines.

        Always looking for a lovely GB Young Unicorns, TP Male Dragons or TP Male Griffins!


          Another rule is that Sellers should NOT ask for their buyers to add money to cover PayPal FEES over the cost of their item. IF the Seller wishes to adjust for the PayPal fees it should be done as PART of the upfront asking price for the sculpt/item. Below includes the example mentioned within the ‘Rules and Guidelines’ from item #10:

          When using PayPal, you must not add a SEPARATE, additional cost “to cover PayPal fees”. Requesting that a buyer pay fees separately is against PayPal’s Terms of Service. As a seller, you are responsible for those fees. Examples:

          NO: “The dragon is $100, +$10 shipping, +$10 to cover my Paypal Fees.”
          YES: “The dragon is $110 +$10 shipping.”

          Notice the seller receives the same amount in both situations, but the fees are not listed as a separate cost to the buyer in the acceptable example.

          While only PayPal has the authority to enforce their Terms of Service, we will not allow listings that break the above rules, for the safety of all (buyers and sellers alike).

          Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
          Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

          *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
          *** Come visit me on deviantArt at

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