Chloe laughed!! (VIDEO! pg 1)

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    twindragonsmum wrote:

    very cute! Is that your mum with her? thanks for the link!

    twindragonsmum 😀

    Oh, that’s KC’s mom with her. She was visiting from Arizona for a week, and she was finally able to hold Chloe. She never wanted to let her go, which I didn’t mind because my arms didn’t get as tired this past week! 😆


      eaglefeather your daughter is so cute…and thanks for sharing that brought back memories from when my son was a baby and laughed for the first time. 😆 He is now going to be 19 so as you can see it makes one hell of a long time…but it still seams like yesterday.


      Blackdesertwind wrote:

      eaglefeather your daughter is so cute…and thanks for sharing that brought back memories from when my son was a baby and laughed for the first time. 😆 He is now going to be 19 so as you can see it makes one hell of a long time…but it still seams like yesterday.

      Awwww! Memories! Do all babies laugh the same way the first time?


      That is so cute! 😀 😀


      Thank you. 🙂


      OMG, you just made want to have another baby!! Oh, she is SOOOOOO cute! I miss those days, they go by so fast…I don’t know who was having more fun, gramma or chloe!!


        She is so cute! I love to hear baby laughing.


        purpledoggy wrote:

        She is so cute! I love to hear baby laughing.

        Thank you! Do you have a vid of Alyssa laughing? I’d like to see it! 😀


          I finally had a chance to watch your video. Chloe gets cuter every time I see her! 😀


          That Video made my day. Thanks. I love baby laughter It’s been a long time since we had babies here. My youngest is 16 and the oldest two (24, 26) haven’t made me a Gramma yet 😆

          Black **Grey**White**Green

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