Chloe laughed for the first time today!!! She is 3 1/2 months old, and it was so cute!! I was on my back, and I was holding Cloe up in the air above me looking down, and I started laughing because a drop of saliva dripped on me, and she thought that it was funny so she laughed!! She continued to laugh for about three more bursts, and after I put her down (because my arms were tired) She stopped, but I just now got her to laugh again, but not as much as when she first did it! I can’t videotape it until KC comes home, but then she’ll probably be camera shy!! It was so cute and it made my day!! 😀
But now that I think about it, she did do a little laugh yesterday, but I wasn’t sure if that was just a weird noise or a laugh. 😀 😆