Check your Shoes….

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    Have you guys seen those commercials for Tarantula footwear? Where the paramedic (who’s probably never been on an ambulance in her life) is saying that “I see too many fall related accidents” and then goes to promote these Tarantula safety footwear?

    Does anyone else have a problem with shoes being called Tarantula? Makes me want to check my shoes every morning to make sure that the shoes didn’t come with a tarantula as a surprise… 😯

    Sorry, just had to mention it. 😆 😆


    I don’t think I could wear them…At first all I could picture was shoes with 8 legs! 😆 😆
    Gah! I am such an arachnephobe! 😯


    Maybe it’s a marketing gag, so you think you need four pairs.


      My first thought was that someone has way too much time if they’re putting shoes on spiders 😛

      Haven’t seen the commercial yet….


      They should come with the shape of a Tarantula on the bottom so that it leaves spider shapes everywhere you walk 😆 I would so get them just to drive my husband nuts 😈


        HAHAHAHA…I’d be checking my shoes too… 😆 😆 😆


          Same here! 😆 😆 😆 Except here in Idaho, you really do hafta check inside your shoes or snow boots or slippers for Hobo Spiders if you haven’t worn ’em in awhile… We’ve also had to check for dead mice and chipmunks ’cause the cats like to leave us prezzies *Bleh* 😆

          twindragonsmum 😀



            Wow. The images the name conjures. 😯 And then I looked at the shoes…They don’t live up to that name. but with a name like that….

            While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


              Lol I’ve never heard of them. I wish they would ask me to be on a commercial and endorse shoes.


              purpledoggy wrote:

              Lol I’ve never heard of them. I wish they would ask me to be on a commercial and endorse shoes.

              They don’t like having people who actually work in that job to endorse stuff – it’s harder to make them lie…. 😆


                Pay me enough and I’ll say anything (j/k)


                  Hey, I think my bf has those, but in brown. 😆

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