
Change of Subject, Pg 4

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    Enjoy your vacation! You sure deserve one…. and you should frame your apology letter from the mortgage company….. they don’t apologize often! 😮 😀


      Bardwing would you please come to my house and tell my new dog (Spanky) that – he sees to understand everything I tell him except “NO”

      Regarding the pets: Well, the dog at least is just making a power play. Reassert yourself as the leader over him, and he’ll toe the line. That will be easier when Shaun isn’t there. Ein growls at you? Ein gets his furry buns in a five-minute time-out. Ein leaps at your plate? Ein gets a knee in the chest and a time-out. Ein sits for his food, thankyouverymuch; when you open a door for Ein, he sits and waits for your OK before he goes outside. Good dogs get praised; bad dogs get gently but firmly shown that that behavior isn’t acceptable to you It will be harder when Shaun is present, because Ein knows that Shaun is causing you a lot of stress, and therefore Ein thinks that your position as a leader is weakened. Ein just wants to follow a strong leader. And frankly, you make a much better leader figure than Shaun: both because you were the original leader, and because Shaun’s methods are not doing Ein any favors at all. An dogs do not, repeat do not, respect a human who lets them do whatever they want. That’s not a leader; that’s a subordinate. Bad pattern to give a dog, believe me.


        Drag0n: congratulations on your vacation! You’ve earned it, big time! 😀 And congrats to Shaun also for his new job!

        Darjeb: sorry to hear that Spanky is being a stinker! 🙁 But seriously, stick to your guns. Some dogs need to hear the same thing many times over before they decide that you really do mean it. How old is Spanky? Most dogs go through a phase starting around four months old and lasting three to six months where they challenge you endlessly, do things they used to understand they shouldn’t do, and generally drive you bananas. It’s a normal part of growing up for a dog, but it does mean that the family has to present a united front regarding house rules for the dog, and be more stubborn than he is. Some breeds are worse about this than others: terriers, herding dogs, and some of the high-energy small breeds seem to be the toughest to outlast. Hang in there.

        We have a tiny Yorkie who weighs less than four pounds even when dripping wet. He is cute as a bug and would love to be a dreadfully spoiled little monster, except that we’re not having any of that. Our other dog is a border collie whose motto is, “You couldn’t possibly have meant that to apply to me!” Never a dull minute . . . . 🙄


          I’m back!

          I have lots of fun pictures to show you guys too, but first I need a shower. I stink of salt water marsh pond scum! 😆

          I see I have gotten more doggy advice too. Thank you very much.. I know I need to to EXACTLY what you say. He was always such a good dog because that IS how I raised him when he was a baby so it was easy since he learned quickly. Now… it’s just so hard cause he ALREADY hates me and I feel like all I am doing is making him distance himself from me even more. I want SHAUN to start disciplining him like that… I’m always the bad guy and he just sees me as a threat now. 🙁 I sort of think… if Shaun and I don’t work out in the end, he’s going to have to keep the dog. *sigh* I think Ein would be miserable with me now.

          Got a busted Windstone?
          *OPEN for repairs*

          *SEEKING GRAILS*
          Arc-en-ciel Emperor
          Siphlophis Male Dragon
          Calypso Hatching Empress
          Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
          Tattoo Mother Kirin
          Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
          Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
          Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
          Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
          Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
          Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


            sorry you might lose your puppy but glad to hear you had a good time on your mini vacation


              Glad you had a good vacay Drag0n! I’m sorry it’s come after such stressfull terms though. I say you kick them all in the Jimmy, (work, Shaun, the dogs), and get to living, but I know that can be so hard to do. Lots of love and hugs that things work out better for you!!


                NEW Off subject…

                I got together a basket of pet friendly supplies from Home Depot to donate to our local animal shelter. Pet safe mosquito repellent, cat nip seeds and cat grass, stuff like that. I (of course) had to stop in and see all the animals when I went and FELL IN LOVE with these beautiful sisters!!!

                I WANT, but I CAN’T!!!! I have 7 cat’s ALREADY 🙄


                They are the biggest LOVES ever!!!! *whines* They’re only $45 to adopt them… 😳 My sister would KILL ME

                Got a busted Windstone?
                *OPEN for repairs*

                *SEEKING GRAILS*
                Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                Siphlophis Male Dragon
                Calypso Hatching Empress
                Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                Tattoo Mother Kirin
                Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                Haha we did that one today. Went to the humane society to pick up some cat food (they sell it for $7 LESS then anywhere else in town!) and saw all the cute dogs that have come in. There was this BEAUTIFUL female white dog who was so well behaved and SUCH a suck….

                But we couldn’t so we grabbed our cat food and high tailed it out of there before we changed our mind! 😆


                  What beautiful kitties!!!! You’re as bad with the kitties as I am with the birds!!! We’re all animal lovers on this forum and like our Windstones, we can never have too many of them I’m afraid!!! 😆


                  OMG… what cuties! i love turkish angoras. so beautiful. get them!! lol… i know, i know. 👿 but, being that cute, i’m sure someone will give them a home.



                    From Bardwing

                    Darjeb: sorry to hear that Spanky is being a stinker! 🙁 But seriously, stick to your guns. Some dogs need to hear the same thing many times over before they decide that you really do mean it. How old is Spanky? Most dogs go through a phase starting around four months old and lasting three to six months where they challenge you endlessly, do things they used to understand they shouldn’t do, and generally drive you bananas. It’s a normal part of growing up for a dog, but it does mean that the family has to present a united front regarding house rules for the dog, and be more stubborn than he is. Some breeds are worse about this than others: terriers, herding dogs, and some of the high-energy small breeds seem to be the toughest to outlast. Hang in there.

                    Spanky is 19 months old show ring trained not house trained and believe me I have discovered there i a difference


                      drag0nfeathers wrote:

                      NEW Off subject…

                      I got together a basket of pet friendly supplies from Home Depot to donate to our local animal shelter. Pet safe mosquito repellent, cat nip seeds and cat grass, stuff like that. I (of course) had to stop in and see all the animals when I went and FELL IN LOVE with these beautiful sisters!!!

                      I WANT, but I CAN’T!!!! I have 7 cat’s ALREADY 🙄


                      They are the biggest LOVES ever!!!! *whines* They’re only $45 to adopt them… 😳 My sister would KILL ME

                      awww adorable, I wish I could get a cat 🙁 *pouts* I have no pets *cries*


                        darjeb wrote:

                        Spanky is 19 months old show ring trained not house trained and believe me I have discovered there i a difference

                        What are the differences? Just curious.


                          drag0n, those girls are beautiful. Still thinking of adopting them? lol


                            Whee, different-colored eyes! Those really are pretty kitties.

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