
Change of Subject, Pg 4

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    OMG!!! Great!!! XD XD
    I have so totally been there, and wish I had done just that. Instead I just walked away. You can only take so much bfore you snap, and had I said anything that day in particular, it might have been enough to get me escorted off the premises. 😈
    I sure wish I could have seen the look on his face…Then I could tell you if it was too far or not! 😉


      Good for you!! 🙂


        I agree, good for you! I just love how they think some little pin will make everything all better. You earned the pin and a whole lot more than you are getting, that’s for sure!


          Of course it came to my mind where exactly they can ‘stick’ that pin!!! 👿


          LadyFirebird wrote:

          Of course it came to my mind where exactly they can ‘stick’ that pin!!! 👿

          You said it! 😆 👿

          🙂 Feel better drag0nfeathers! :yes:


            At least you got some satisfaction
            I hope things get better for you sooon though
            It’s hell going to work everyday at a place you HATE


              Thrippa and ghostndragon have made some good suggestions. You absolutely have been helping out in sales through your signs, and the managers should be giving you credit for that. They clearly think the signs are important: look at how they each went off trying to convince you to do their project when you faced them down! So if their projects are important to the managers, those clowns can jolly well start giving you credit for the sales that you have helped make happen. Heck, most shoppers are a little overwhelmed in a big store; it takes a good sign to draw their attention to an item or a sale. Ergo, YOU get credit for sales in those departments too.

              A percentage? Shards, yes. The fact that they haven’t been giving you one yet only means that there’s a loophole in the system, and these jackass managers are exploiting it. The free ride can just stop right here: renegotiate your contract with the higher-ups (not the ones who’ve been exploiting you) and make them acknowledge what you contribute. Go over the managers’ heads. Use those photos. Collect the data from sales and show how your signs boost sales in those departments. And if the higher-ups are stupid enough to say no, then you can sweetly tell the managers that sorry, no free signs from you.

              Regarding the pets: Well, the dog at least is just making a power play. Reassert yourself as the leader over him, and he’ll toe the line. That will be easier when Shaun isn’t there. Ein growls at you? Ein gets his furry buns in a five-minute time-out. Ein leaps at your plate? Ein gets a knee in the chest and a time-out. Ein sits for his food, thankyouverymuch; when you open a door for Ein, he sits and waits for your OK before he goes outside. Good dogs get praised; bad dogs get gently but firmly shown that that behavior isn’t acceptable to you. It will be harder when Shaun is present, because Ein knows that Shaun is causing you a lot of stress, and therefore Ein thinks that your position as a leader is weakened. Ein just wants to follow a strong leader. And frankly, you make a much better leader figure than Shaun: both because you were the original leader, and because Shaun’s methods are not doing Ein any favors at all. And dogs do not, repeat do not, respect a human who lets them do whatever they want. That’s not a leader; that’s a subordinate. Bad pattern to give a dog, believe me.

              The cats? Well, they perceive the stress in the home too. The scratching may be their exercising it out, or they may be doing some territorial marking. But the same general methods apply. Cat goes after your plate, cat gets pushed to the ground. Cat jumps up on the kitchen counter, cat meets the squirt bottle. Gentle but firm. You are under a lot of stress but you are still a strong person and not even the beloved pets are allowed to push you around.

              Anyway–I don’t want you to feel that the animals have turned against you. They’re each reacting in their own way to the tension between you and Shaun. They don’t hate you. They’re frightened and confused. When Shaun’s not there, take time to have positive interactions with them, but also make sure they understand that you are a strong leader figure. That will help them. When Shaun’s present, it may be harder because 1) he stresses you, which the animals know, and 2) he may decide to turn it into an argument. Keep it low-profile and hopefully he won’t notice.


                Thank you guys so much for all the confidence and warm wishes 🙂 My new vacation time just kicked in for my 3 year anniversary so now I have 80 hours for the year.

                Also, other AMAZING NEWS! Shaun just got a new job! He’s the new asset protection manager at Walmart so now he’s making almost the same money as I am instead of minimum wage. His first day was today so it’s actually OFFICIAL! I didn’t want to say anything and jinx the situation, but this is for real! 😀

                This will be like another $400 bucks a month coming into the household. We will hopefully have his car on the road soon and we can finally stop arguing about that and maybe start to (dare I say it) get along again since we won’t be constantly stressing!

                I’m actually heading out to Naraganset in about an hour and staying into Monday evening/Tuesday morning. I’m sure I will miss some good stuff in the store with my luck, but at least I won’t be at work! I get to leave Shaun at home as well. 😳 silent yippie

                I’m going to go dig for Quahoqs with a friend of mine and her 9 year old all day and maybe even get a tan 😮 It’s going to be weird not being all ghost like and transparent. We’re supposed to get rain though, but either way. It will be fun.

                See you guys when I get back and thank you again. All of your support really helped me get out of my funk! I love you all!

                Got a busted Windstone?
                *OPEN for repairs*

                *SEEKING GRAILS*
                Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                Siphlophis Male Dragon
                Calypso Hatching Empress
                Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                Tattoo Mother Kirin
                Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                  Have a good time. Hope it helps with the stress.


                    Thanks Jasmine, just a day with my cell phone off and no work, no fighting at home… I’m excited already. I’ll probably cry when I have to come home, but I’ll miss my fur babies so I’ll be fine.

                    OH! We also got an APOLOGY letter from my mortgage company too. Another big and long stressful debockel, but I can get into that when I get home. Thankfully, to keep it short, they’re not going to take our new loan payment away like they were trying to the past few months. That’s why I guess we were getting forclosure notices.

                    I think I’m going to frame it. 😆

                    Got a busted Windstone?
                    *OPEN for repairs*

                    *SEEKING GRAILS*
                    Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                    Siphlophis Male Dragon
                    Calypso Hatching Empress
                    Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                    Tattoo Mother Kirin
                    Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                    Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                    Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                    Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                    Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                    Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                      Oh, thank goodness!! One less thing to worry about. 😀


                        Delighted to hear you’ve got some good stuff happening! 😀 Have a fantastic ‘field trip’!


                          I’m soooooo happy some things are starting to work out for you! Enjoy your vacation–you’ve earned it!!! 😀


                          Yay!! Sounds like fun. Enjoy, you soooooo deserve it! 😀


                          That’s just what you need — enjoy your vacation! 8)

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