Central coast ren faire

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    dragonessjade wrote:

    Just curious. Has anyone invited Melody and crew to go?

    😯 😯 😯 How ungrateful of us. I’m going to do that right now!


    safyre_dream wrote:

    dragonessjade wrote:

    Just curious. Has anyone invited Melody and crew to go?

    😯 😯 😯 How ungrateful of us. I’m going to do that right now!

    Haha, I thought that would make it more special. I saw your post. Hopefully they can make it.


      I’ll pm chessie and find out if she can go.

      I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
      Engaged to a Weasel


        wolflodge100 wrote:

        Dragon Master wrote:

        well give me info I just found out that the celebration of life for both my grandma and mom has been cancelled and I’m sort of happy about it because I really did not want to see some of those people!! I’m stopping by the factory on the 23rd also so I can already be down there in the morning. Anyone know of a cheap hotel in that area??

        All the ifo is in the link dracomancer posted above. I can check into info on a motel for you if you want. 😀
        That would be GREAT


        i Pmd melody yesterday and asked if she might be going but she said shes not really into ren faires so i dunno


        I posted this in Melody’s invitation topic, but here it is again. Let me know if anything’s changed.
        The count, thus far…
        1. safyre_dream +3
        2. wolflodge100
        3. DragonMaster
        4. Nirvanacat
        5. PhiltheDragon
        6. DantheDragon +1
        7. dracomancer +1
        8. BiPolarBear +1
        9. dragonessjade (?)
        10. tc_cat333 (?)
        11. Arlla (?)

        Phil the Dragon wrote:

        Nirvana and I as of now are running the booth for our friend at the Faire. We are planning on having a “Windstone’s welcome” sign up in the booth. Gonna try to stop at Wolflodge’s store either on the way up on friday, or on the way down on monday.


        Dragon Master wrote:

        That would be GREAT

        Isn’t wolflodge so nice! We were just talking about your long drive ahead of you. I hope you enjoy the ren faire and the factory 😉


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