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        If there are any typos in this message it is because I had the first cataract surgery Wedneday and it was on my reading eye. I have had monovision contacts for years and that is the way the dr. felt was the best way to go with the cataract removal. I have the second eye done on May 19th but until then I don’t have much distance vision. It’s even hard to see the pc screen.

        The surgery went great. It was painless. The only pain suffered was the nurse putting and IV in me. I am a coward about being stuck with a needle (translate that to BIG BABY). I could see the minute the dr. finished (2 ft anyway as I said that was my reading eye) I was a little drossy all day. They give you something in the IV to make you relax. They roll you out in a big wheel chair (like a padded lazy-boy) but i could have walked out to the car. Ray went with me and brought the car up to the door. I fixed dinner and watched TV (with my old glasses) for awhile but was so sleepy I went to bed early. The worst of it all was having to go 5 weeks wihout my contact lenses I am totally blind without them. They implanted the new lenses with the same prescription as my old contacts. Insurance will not pay for that so it cost me $1,500 per eye but I felt it was worth it the alternative was plain implanted lenses and wearing glasses the rest of my life and since I am very near-sighted that is a pain. There are a lot of restrictions for the first week after surgery and one of them is never let your head go lower than your heart which means no bending, etc. Trying to sleep half setting up is the pits but I will survive and 3 different eye drops 4 times a day for a week and a a couple of those up to 6 weeks. But like I said there was no pain they deaden the eye with drops and that’s it.


        Well, you make sure and take it easy on yourself these next few days! Here’s me hoping for your speedy recovery! :yes:


          Glad that it’s half over for you. Speedy recovery hun!!


            Glad that everything turned out well for you! Good you didn’t have too much pain. 🙂


            Great to hear things are going well. Hope May 19 comes quick for you! 🙂


            Hope things go well! How is your new pup?


              Your eyesight is worth it! Take care of yourself and I hope for a speedy recovery with both eyes.

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