Cat in stairwell!!!

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    Found a cat in the stairwell of our building two nights ago, she was a black and white old cat (tiny! but had cataracts!)… the next morning we get a call asking if we lost our cat, who is also black and white, but not old, only 2ish – and then the cat is taken to the pound.

    Today we found a paper advertising a lost 14 year old black and white cat, so, intrigued and thinking I might be able to help where the cat would have otherwise been put up for adoption, I call the person. The description matches – tiny little thing with a white splotch on her nose, which is pink. Oh, don’t forget the temper from hell!

    What I’m wondering is, if they knew the people who have cats (and they *should* we pay money to have them) then why didn’t they ask this family if their cat was missing?????

    Management confuses me sometimes….

    (Yes, this is a completely random post, feel free to post random pictures or non thread related topics here!!!! Maybe even some creation of future invertebrates…)

    My kitty Kimi! She loves that curtain…. 😛


      Cute kitty. Glad everyone got reunited.


      Very likely they had not aid to have her there, so management didnt know about her.


      Jasmine wrote:

      Cute kitty. Glad everyone got reunited.

      Cute kitty is my kitty, the other one was waaaay older and less white…


      Very cute kitty. She’s saying “Can’t you see I’m comfortable? Get me some tuna!”


        My #2 cat will not eat tuna. He wants to cover it up like sonmething he left in the cat box


        Dragon Master wrote:

        My #2 cat will not eat tuna. He wants to cover it up like sonmething he left in the cat box

        LOL That’s great!!!

        I don’t know if Kimi likes tuna… she likes the small (very small I don’t like cat diarrhea in the house) amount of milk we give her.


          Dragon87 wrote:

          Dragon Master wrote:

          My #2 cat will not eat tuna. He wants to cover it up like sonmething he left in the cat box

          LOL That’s great!!!

          I don’t know if Kimi likes tuna… she likes the small (very small I don’t like cat diarrhea in the house) amount of milk we give her.
          He was a foster and I remember when I got him as a kitten I was told his foster mom would have a celebration dinner for the ones she fostered when one got adopted out and I think she gave them Salmon so he got rich taste from the beginning and Tuna is way down on the fish list

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