Found a cat in the stairwell of our building two nights ago, she was a black and white old cat (tiny! but had cataracts!)… the next morning we get a call asking if we lost our cat, who is also black and white, but not old, only 2ish – and then the cat is taken to the pound.
Today we found a paper advertising a lost 14 year old black and white cat, so, intrigued and thinking I might be able to help where the cat would have otherwise been put up for adoption, I call the person. The description matches – tiny little thing with a white splotch on her nose, which is pink. Oh, don’t forget the temper from hell!
What I’m wondering is, if they knew the people who have cats (and they *should* we pay money to have them) then why didn’t they ask this family if their cat was missing?????
Management confuses me sometimes….
(Yes, this is a completely random post, feel free to post random pictures or non thread related topics here!!!! Maybe even some creation of future invertebrates…)

My kitty Kimi! She loves that curtain…. 😛