Casting Update

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    Serenity wrote:

    I just wanna be able to paint a keeper… 😀

    I’m right there with you…I missed them the first time around. 😕


      I just hope the trouble they had with the Keeper mold has been resolved and we don’t have to wait so long for the store to restock them when they do run out again 😳 . I also hope everybody can get some or at least one Keeper when they do hit the store again. I’m dying to paint moreKeeper dragons 😈 I have a whole list of ideas I want to do! I’m just glad I got the one when I did.


        I’m hoping the Keepers don’t just vanish instantly and leave a lot of people without one…and I really hope I can get a second one. I’ve been saving my birthday and Christmas money just to get a green-eyed one 😀


          I want one of each of the PYO Dragons…but I can’t even decide what color to commission them in…of course there’s no painting them myself..I’ve been completely ruined by Jennifer’s pics in the gallery… 😀


            Arya wrote:

            I’m hoping the Keepers don’t just vanish instantly and leave a lot of people without one

            I hope so too. It would be nice, when they come back in stock, if forum members would limit themselves to one or two for the first few days so more people could have a shot at them. I don’t see that happening, but it would be nice if it did.


              pegasi1978 wrote:

              Arya wrote:

              I’m hoping the Keepers don’t just vanish instantly and leave a lot of people without one

              I hope so too. It would be nice, when they come back in stock, if forum members would limit themselves to one or two for the first few days so more people could have a shot at them. I don’t see that happening, but it would be nice if it did.

              i agree. I have several I’d like to paint, but I’d be willing to buy just a couple at first so someone else would get a chance to nab one as well. Maybe the store can issue a purchase limit, at least temporarily. I don’t know. I do know the Keepers are going to go FAST and I only hope I’m around when they hit the store.


                Pam Thompson wrote:

                I suppose it would help if we actually had someone to cast stuff, Mel…. Or who knew how to cast…



                  wish I were close enough to help and pitch in with the casting….sigh, it sounds like you could use the help.


                    Melody wrote:

                    Pam Thompson wrote:

                    I suppose it would help if we actually had someone to cast stuff, Mel…. Or who knew how to cast…


                    That doesn’t sound very positive. D: If no one knows how, what are you guys gonna do? o.o; Can your old casters come up and train the n00bs?


                      We’ll learn again…


                        I’m dying for a keeper pyo…and some new fledgies. Here’s hoping for you!

                        Keeper of the Fledgings


                          Pam Thompson wrote:

                          We’ll learn again…


                          that sounds like a pita!
                          what will be harder to cast? bigger or smaller peices?


                            KoishiiKitty wrote:

                            Pam Thompson wrote:

                            We’ll learn again…


                            that sounds like a pita!
                            what will be harder to cast? bigger or smaller peices?

                            Srsly. o.o I wonder if the wetter climate (it’s gotta be more humid up there, right?) will make it more difficult or not.


                              I would guess the larger pieces are more difficult simply because they are larger in size and a bit more detailed than the smaller ones.


                                Big pieces are harder, and Maya Hills (those are murder). Although, some smaller Pena pieces are harder than some big ones. I would rather demold an old warrior than a panther gargoyle (the small base on the panther makes them hard).

                                We have yet to see how the weather will affect casting quality.

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