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      THANK YOU every one


        Awww…I wish I could make it all go away for you. 🙁


          dude, I feel for you, and everytime you post a topic, I start thinking “what now???”

          so this one’s for you


          I hope that things turn out right


            OK my car has been at the dealer for some time now and I was told I had to get it out of there by this Friday
            One of my co-workers at CVS knows the owner of the D&D auto right across the street from the store that we work in.
            I was off at 7 this morning and walked across the street and had to wait for the owner but it was worth the wait.
            He towed my car to his shop and it turns out, well at least according to him and he says he has been doing this for YEARS, I have a blown head gasket.
            It’s going to cost be a total of $1850 to get it fixed but it’s MUCH better then getting a new motor and includes a new radiator which caused all the problems in the first place. He also said I had a nice little car and should have it back in just about 2-3 days. I get paid Thursday and have to give him $1200 now and get the rest paid off when I can hopefully by mid July.
            THEN my co-worker not knowing how munch money I needed said he is too sick to work tonight so I’m taking his CVS shift for more money
            I’m also working with a debt settlement company now so I should be (according to them) out of debt in 4 years less if i give them more then the minimun $316 a month any more will just pay them off faster


            That’s great news! Both about the car and working on getting out of debt. I wish you the absolute best of luck!


              Wonderful news!!! Way to go. I know who to hit up for a loan in um..say 5 years? 😉


                MAYBE SOONER!!

                I might be able to get my currently available Windstone list up to date soon. My new payments with this debt settlment company is only like $312 a month and I have all the paperwork in to try and get a modification on my condo loan so if they both come thru I HOPE I will be OK
                I have to make sure I keep up with all the required maintance with thiS car now and it looks like I have a new mechanic


                  Sounds like things are starting to look up for you and that is great


                    My job is still moving to Houston in August and will leave me not knowing about the future though


                      I’m glad to hear things are working out for you, DM! I hope the job move will be a smooth transition!


                        It’s good that some things are finally falling into place for you, DM. I know what you mean about the uncertain future concerning the job—I think there are more than one of us right now feeling a bit anxious and uncertain as to what the future will hold for us right now. Whatever it is, I wish you the best and that things will continue to fall into place for you!


                          Thank you all
                          August is not too far off now. I hear some in Sacramento got paid to clean some desks. It’s work BUT would still scare me since its’ not important to the business


                            well still NO car for me. The mechanic is hearing something he can’t find and said he will not be giving me the car back until they find out what the problem is. He DID however tell me this trip to the machine shop is on the house because he will not let me have the car back until it’s puuuurfect


                            Dragon Master wrote:

                            well still NO car for me. The mechanic is hearing something he can’t find and said he will not be giving me the car back until they find out what the problem is. He DID however tell me this trip to the machine shop is on the house because he will not let me have the car back until it’s puuuurfect

                            Hopefully that should be the end of the car trouble.

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