
Canadian Orders during the postal strike

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      Our store seems to be having difficulty with the link to the Post Office for orders going to Canada. I am assuming this has something to do with Canada’s postal strike and the fact that the US Post Offices are not accepting packages destined for Canada until the strike if over. If you are having trouble placing your order, please contact us – I can figure out the shipping charge and send you a paypal invoice. We are holding all packages going to Canada via the Post until the US Post Office resumes picking them up. If you don’t want to wait, it is possible for us to send packages via UPS, however that is considerably more expensive. Please contact me if you have questions – 1 (800) 982-4464 – or susie@windstoneeditions.com


        Thank you Susie! I figured my orders would take a while to arrive but I am glad that they are being held and are safe!



          I hope for Canada it’s over soon . I can’t imagine it here .


            For those of you in Canada: When the Young Peach Poads(tm) become available (they aren’t ready as of noonish June 23rd) – our store will probably not work correctly to accept your order and calculate shipping. Please email your order for one to susie@windstoneeditions.com – give me your name and address and the email address to which I should send a paypal invoice (or let me know if you will be mailing an international money order) – and your choice of shipping (for when the Canadian Post resumes business) – 1st class international mail is the cheapest for this small item. I will do my best to see that you are able to order one and I will figure out shipping and email you back, and issue a Paypal invoice to you. You can also call us (800) 982-4464. Fortunately there are quite a lot of them, so I don’t think there is a need to panic (I’m talking about ME here!). 😉


              Yay! The shopping cart is calculating Canadian shipping again! Yay!



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