Canadian distributor

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      I just got off the phone with Diana at Green Earth in Burlington, Ontario, and she says she may not be able to carry the line anymore because she doesn’t have a distibutor. Said distributor told her Windstone sold their things directly now and were trying to tone down and become smaller. I told her that was not so and explained the difference between the regular line and the limited production/edition. I also pointed out that she could probably order straight from Windstone, but she was hesitant because the customs duty is a killer.

      What to do? Do Canadian stores need a wholesaler/distributor? What is a wholesaler? Could I become one, like buy a whole bunch, stock them and resale to stores, or would I need an official warehouse?

      Sunhawk, our outing is not looking too good at this point 😥

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          dragonmedley wrote:

          Said distributor told her Windstone sold their things directly now and were trying to tone down and become smaller. I told her that was not so and explained the difference between the regular line and the limited production/edition.

          Actually this is correct. Windstone used to sell through a Canadian distributor, but the costs involved were too great. Windstone now sells *direct* to dealers, and the dealers are encouraged to contact Susan at Windstone to get setup with direct accounts.

          Dealers will have to pay brokerage and GST, but NOT DUTY – Windstones are made in the US and are covered under Free Trade. The dealers will also find the prices cheaper because they are not paying the costs of the distributor’s operating.

          Items which are sold on eBay/Direct Sales are not available to dealers, and dealer items are not available to be sold as direct sales. That is where the difference is. A customer cannot call up Windstone and buy a Peacock Lap Dragon, and a dealer cannot order a limited edition flame curl. etc.


            Thanks. I’m going to call her back and encourage her to contact Susan.

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            I hope it works out because we are running out of options real fast! LOL


            Yep aint that the truth, windstone dealers in Canada are few and far between.


              I noticed from the list that there are a few out West and one on the East Coast, but none in Ontario! 😯

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                dragonmedley wrote:

                I just got off the phone with Diana at Green Earth in Burlington, Ontario, and she says she may not be able to carry the line anymore because she doesn’t have a distibutor. Said distributor told her Windstone sold their things directly now and were trying to tone down and become smaller. I told her that was not so and explained the difference between the regular line and the limited production/edition. I also pointed out that she could probably order straight from Windstone, but she was hesitant because the customs duty is a killer.

                What to do? Do Canadian stores need a wholesaler/distributor? What is a wholesaler? Could I become one, like buy a whole bunch, stock them and resale to stores, or would I need an official warehouse?

                Sunhawk, our outing is not looking too good at this point 😥

                Shaun has got it about right. We are now selling direct to Canada and the price to the stores is a little better than it was coming through our Canadian distributor. Distributors need to buy at a large discount off of wholesale and we were losing money in giving that discount to our distributor. Cutting them off was not something we wanted to do but we just could not stand the loss. Normally manufacturers sell through sales reps and have the reps comission to work with when discounting to a distributor but we do not. We operate on a very low cost of sales with a very high cost of production which makes it hard to extend discounts.

                Please encourage any dealers you find in Canada to contact us and we will gladly supply them.


                  I really hope all works out well for you. I know what it is like to lose all the stores around you that stock Windstones


                    I will ship to Canada, if you don’t find someone close. fyi


                      emerald212 wrote:

                      I will ship to Canada, if you don’t find someone close. fyi

                      Is there anywhere you do NOT ship to??


                        Nope. I just sent a Hyena Gargoyle to Japan on Monday. I really will ship anywhere as long as the buyer pays the shipping and insurance.


                        Thanks emerald, it’s nice to know that you care. It would be nicer if we all had a store by us that sold Windstones. That’s all. It’s getting harder every day to find them.


                          emerald212 wrote:

                          Nope. I just sent a Hyena Gargoyle to Japan on Monday. I really will ship anywhere as long as the buyer pays the shipping and insurance.

                          Too bad everyone was not like you!!


                            emerald212 wrote:

                            I will ship to Canada, if you don’t find someone close. fyi

                            Well, I’ve already put your name down as the option to get my Gold emperor and my Male emerald-peacock, as well as the other dealers on the forum. I always like going into stores and rummage, but if there’s no Windstones there, what’s the point!

                            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.

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