Canada Post

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      Can I just whine for a minute here? UGH!

      So for the last few weeks Canada Post has been talking about going on strike, demanding a bunch of things, and the ended up doing rotating strikes. So they move city to city going on strike for 24 hours. Now the company has put in a lock out, rather than letting the workers go on strike. Kind of weird, I don’t know much about union laws but I’m absolutely NOT on the workers’ side in this.

      So I believe I had a few things mailed recently that have gotten stuck in this mess. Also I am receiving several things. One is an ebay piece which ended up being shipped quite late by windstone. It literally cleared customs the day they locked out workers, so is just sitting who-knows-where.

      I’ve been having some huge problems with Canada post prior to this strike business, so I have been looking in to using UPS, and now this strike stuff just kicks me right on over. My issue in the past with UPS has been receiving parcels sent by UPS and getting charged huge amounts of fees that have nothing to do with customs. But I’d much rather pay extra and not have things damaged.

      Anyway, I really hope this blows over soon and the packages that are in the middle of this mess arrive in decent condition. I’m not sure if other forum members are being affected by this either. It’s just a huge pain all around.


        Ugh! That really sucks. Hopefully it gets sorted out soon, and all your pieces get to where they’re going safe and sound.


          Wow, I really hope all your packages arrive to their destinations. It would make me nervous too.

          I’ve looked into UPS for shipping internationally (post office lines and wait times have gotten painfully long), but unfortunately, it looks like they want to charge obscene amounts to do it. What would normally cost about $20.00 to ship via USPS apparently will cost around $200.00 to ship UPS. No one’s going to pay that…


            I heard about that. That would drive me crazy!! Especially if you have a special ebay piece on its way! Did you get your Grab Bag babies before this mess started?


              I had one grab bag baby on the way and I didn’t get him before this mess. He was just sent first class so doesn’t have tracking and would normally take a few weeks anyway. The one stuck at customs is the Pintaloosa test paint #2. It got shipped late and then cleared customs just in time for the strike, ugh. At least both of those were sent in original windstone boxes so I’m not too concerned about them getting broken… *crosses fingers*… can’t say the same for things I’ve mailed out recently!


                My main issue with canada post recently has been damage. It seems like their anger about this strike stuff has caused them to really try their best to damage things. I have no problem waiting at all, as long as the item gets here in one piece, which hasn’t been the case.

                If I send a package from canada to the states, does the brokerage fee apply still? Or is it only for packages coming IN to canada? I know I’ve been charged $20 on a package that was declared at $23 before. It’s insane. But still, better than smashed up packages…


                  I’ve got a package and a couple of small items on their way to me and was planning another purchase, but I’m not so sure I’ll go through with it for now.

                  And I’ve got a few items up for sale that I’m debating pulling until this is over…

                  I’m not so bothered about waiting, as long as my package doesn’t get lost or damaged.

                  About UPS, or other courriers, they call this charming little fee a “brokerage fee” charged when a package crosses the border, and it can go up to 50% of your item’s value. So it’s a no/no for me.


                    My main issue with canada post recently has been damage. It seems like their anger about this strike stuff has caused them to really try their best to damage things. I have no problem waiting at all, as long as the item gets here in one piece, which hasn’t been the case.

                    Hmm, yes that’s certainly a problem. I’m lucky to be able to say that I never got items damaged in transit, but then, I haven’t had anything shipped in a while.

                    If I send a package from canada to the states, does the brokerage fee apply still? Or is it only for packages coming IN to canada? I know I’ve been charged $20 on a package that was declared at $23 before. It’s insane. But still, better than smashed up packages…

                    That’s a good question, I honestly have no idea. Maybe some of our American members who’ve had items shipped by courrier from Canada can tell us?

                    Using FedEx, I’ve had to pay a $50.00 fee on a package declared at $100.00… I was not happy about that!


                      When I ship to Canada, I use USPS because UPS charges horrific fees. They’re cheaper to ship, but not cheaper in the long haul.

                      I’ve thought that living in BC Canada one day would be alright. But having the post office going on strike “so often” is a bit of a worry. Wouldn’t that also affect when you get bills and such? That would be problematic.


                        When I ship to Canada, I use USPS because UPS charges horrific fees. They’re cheaper to ship, but not cheaper in the long haul.

                        I’ve thought that living in BC Canada one day would be alright. But having the post office going on strike “so often” is a bit of a worry. Wouldn’t that also affect when you get bills and such? That would be problematic.

                        Ah, but this is where they’re shooting themselves in the foot, as we say in French, because companies have been advertising about using online billing, since customers are responsible to keep their accounts up to date. So once I get ebills, do you think I’m going back to a regular bill? Nope. Money lost for them right there.

                        The problem isn’t receiving bills and paying them, but receiving checks. I have money probably just sitting there, waiting for me… And my Silver emperor. He’s stuck in BC.

                        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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                          If I send a package from canada to the states, does the brokerage fee apply still? Or is it only for packages coming IN to canada? I know I’ve been charged $20 on a package that was declared at $23 before. It’s insane. But still, better than smashed up packages…

                          Yes, though from what I can tell the rates are a little better to the US than to here. From what I could find there’s no fee on anything under 200 but $25+ fee for anything over 200. And like sending it to Canada they won’t charge you brokerage fees for sending it the insanely expensive methods.

                          I hope this strike ends soon I also have parcels in the mail. Fortunately just cheap trinket type stuff but still…


                            Ah, but this is where they’re shooting themselves in the foot, as we say in French, because companies have been advertising about using online billing, since customers are responsible to keep their accounts up to date. So once I get ebills, do you think I’m going back to a regular bill? Nope. Money lost for them right there.

                            Yep, and this is true for many many things. Everyone is running to UPS or fedex, and getting good service, they’re not going to switch back. For so many things that would normally go through canada post, people are having to find alternatives, and why switch back? The bills thing is so true. Their business in general has been going down, because of course people don’t mail things as much now, so to lose more business on top of that is a huge blow. Which I think is why the company has decided to lock out the workers.

                            I know for a while they were saying some mail would go through, disability cheques and things like that. I know they sent out the one tax cheque (HST or GST or something) a few weeks early so everyone would have them in case of a strike. I’m not sure what’s happened with that at the moment.

                            I’d much rather get windstones than my bills, to be honest!


                            This is the first time I know of that there’s been a major nationwide strike like this, but I could be mistaken. So saying they go on strike “so often” is incorrect.

                            On that note… I still have to get one of my bridesmaid dresses for the wedding (I thought she was going to order months ago!) now it’s going to have to come via fedex or UPS because CanadaPost won’t get it here in time. Not to mention I have to find a place to make a similar one before August. *headdesk*


                              This is the first time I know of that there’s been a major nationwide strike like this, but I could be mistaken. So saying they go on strike “so often” is incorrect.

                              I don’t keep up to date with anything, but I recall people talking about canada post strikes in the past.


                                There was a strike a few years back that lasted a few weeks? Something like that.

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