
Can you help identify this bird?

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        Russ said he saw a blue jay in our yard recently, so I told him to put out some peanuts for them. Now we have 3 three of them. 🙂 Very cool birds. The only thing is, they aren’t bluejays. I think they are related though, but I can’t find anything that looks like these. :shrug: They are pretty bold, very vocal, and they are mimics. Our feral cat was out in the yard and as soon as they saw her, two of them started doing hawk calls and kept it up untill she left. I finally got a few pictures of them. Hope to get better ones later. Anyone know what they are?


          Steller’s jay! Oh you lucky you! I wish I had them here…beautiful bird


            Thanks BDW! I thought it might have been but the picture I found of one didn’t match (see below). Once I specificly started looking for the Steller’s Jay I found lots of pics that match.


            Ooooh, I so love Steller’s Jays! Lucky you! 😀 It’s always my hope to see one when I’m out west.

            They can vary a bit in color intensity based on region.


              Got a few more pics this afternoon. They sure are greedy little birds. At first they were eating the peanuts. Now they are stashing them. They will stuff one whole peanut down their throat and then try to pick up another one before they take off. Then they come back for more. 🙂


                Beautiful pics of a beautiful bird! 🙂
                They love sunflower seeds BTW. 😉


                  Steller’s Jays! You are lucky! We only have blue jays here in the northeast (just as fun to watch!), but Steller’s Jays look very pretty! 🙂


                    Blackdesertwind wrote:

                    Beautiful pics of a beautiful bird! 🙂
                    They love sunflower seeds BTW. 😉

                    Yeah, we noticed that they had cleaned up the sunflower seeds from the other feeder, so I’ll get a bag for them this week. Something else we noticed is that they seem to have run off the starlings. Bonus! 😀


                    Seems to me I recall that the ones with blue brow markings are less common than the ones with white brow markings, but I could be mistaken on that count. We had Steller’s jays with blue brows come visit while we were camping in pine-manzanita forest in San Diego County. One of them tried to take off with an entire pancake in its beak. 😆


                    Oh wow! They are so beautiful! I wonder if they can live (or at least migrate) in Iowa? I am going to look that up. 😀

                    Edit…nope they typically stay west of the Rocky Mts. Shucks. 😕


                      They loooooovvvvvee to harrass the bejabbers out of the cats – ‘specially in spring when they’re nesting. They also like to pull long blonde hair… 😮

                      twindragonsmum 😀



                      Those birds are lovely. Thanks for the pics. 🙂


                        copper83 wrote:

                        Something else we noticed is that they seem to have run off the starlings. Bonus! 😀

                        Yes well they also intimidate the smaller birds too. Thank god they don’t stay long…but what messy eaters! Seeds everywhere! Well the squirrels are happy when they come, more seeds for them to eat of the ground 😀

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