Send her a link to the last thread 😆
She’s basically “headlining” to make people look at her auctions. Maybe she doesn’t realize it’s more of an irritation to some people.
The best thing to do at this point- if it is bothering you guys- is to send it to John, as he’s really the only one with authority to step in and do something, if he thinks that it is a problem.
He just might not get it for a few days!
Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
My art:
LOL. I just saw that again on ebay. I noticed her starting bid has gone down…
I would almost be tempted to make an offer,( I really like that ‘tacky’ dragon) but I wouldn’t want to cater to such a disagreable individual.
Yes, I noticed it last night. Since she does know better at this point, I just say try not to let it bother you. We see what she’s doing and she’s not worth this hassle. We’ve taken steps to correct her, and she’s ignored them; and hasn’t she been reported to e-bay already? We’ve done all we can.
She had relisted it previous to this one and it was taken down. But oviously she found a way to relist it anyway.
Does John have access to his emails yet?
And did somebody already report it to him?