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      Yes, give me the frigid north any day, thank you! Besides, it’s not really cold until you get those days where it never gets above 0 F/-18 C. Now that’s nippy! πŸ˜†


        Sway, I’m confused! Are you saying you prefer the Buffalo cold or the Flordia cold?
        I’m somewhat near Buffalo m’self right now. Our high at the moment is -2Β°! πŸ˜†

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
        My art: featherdust.com


          frozendragon wrote:

          it was 7 degrees up here in the northern part of TX.. we’ve had more snow than in the past couple years too..

          and my friend said there was even snow in Arlington.. and that’s not common either..
          Yeah for Texas that is abnormal. We’re lucky if we even get to see snow. Although it was nice to have a White Christmas for once, even though it kind of turned into a mini blizzard. Still I don’t think anything beats the time we had snow in March. Talk about the wrong season, but I guess Texas is just messed up that way.


          Sway wrote:

          Down side only- even when it just rains, people forget how to drive here, imo. If there is ice or snow, theres going to be major accidents. It’s understandable native Floridians don’t know how to handle frozen driving conditions but this state is full of northerners who should remember, or know better how to drive in such a tiny freeze compared to the tons of snow we came from.[/]

          The people who live up in these wintery snowy icy climes tend to forget how to drive once the snow starts to fly. I could be a rich woman if I got $1 for every person who swerves at an intersection in the first month after the snow starts to stick… πŸ˜†


            Jennifer wrote:

            Sway, I’m confused! Are you saying you prefer the Buffalo cold or the Flordia cold?
            I’m somewhat near Buffalo m’self right now. Our high at the moment is -2Β°! πŸ˜†

            I’m saying that if we’re considering too much cold to be evil, and too much heat to be evil, that, given a choice, I’d prefer to live in frigid temps (having experienced them), rather than live in blistering heat in which I’m currently stuck (even if not for this past week). The lesser of the two evils for me, imo, is having it too cold. Again, just my opinion. I have had people severely jump down my throat (not here of course but in real life), saying I’m spoiled and that every day in Florida is a nice day and “how hard it must be to have such a nice day every day” with sarcasm. Like people who live with constant intolerable cold, most of the year, save for a couple weeks in total, we suffer from insufferable heat and humidity here. And again, if I had the choice right now (which I don’t), I’d not live in FL but gladly brave the worst northern winter I’ve ever experienced (which includes spending one New Years stuck in a snow bank in a cemetery because my friend thought she could drive her car down the path and we slid into a ditch and froze.), than the heat offered here. I’ll take Maine cold, Potsdam cold, Plattsburgh cold… bring it, I’ll take it over the heat FL has.

            β€œFate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”


              Sway wrote:

              Jennifer wrote:

              Sway, I’m confused! Are you saying you prefer the Buffalo cold or the Flordia cold?
              I’m somewhat near Buffalo m’self right now. Our high at the moment is -2Β°! πŸ˜†

              I’m saying that if we’re considering too much cold to be evil, and too much heat to be evil, that, given a choice, I’d prefer to live in frigid temps (having experienced them), rather than live in blistering heat in which I’m currently stuck (even if not for this past week). The lesser of the two evils for me, imo, is having it too cold. Again, just my opinion. I have had people severely jump down my throat (not here of course but in real life), saying I’m spoiled and that every day in Florida is a nice day and “how hard it must be to have such a nice day every day” with sarcasm. Like people who live with constant intolerable cold, most of the year, save for a couple weeks in total, we suffer from insufferable heat and humidity here. And again, if I had the choice right now (which I don’t), I’d not live in FL but gladly brave the worst northern winter I’ve ever experienced (which includes spending one New Years stuck in a snow bank in a cemetery because my friend thought she could drive her car down the path and we slid into a ditch and froze.), than the heat offered here. I’ll take Maine cold, Potsdam cold, Plattsburgh cold… bring it, I’ll take it over the heat FL has.

              My aunt lives in Florida and I visited her in February a couple years back. That was ‘bad’ enough…I’d never be able to stand a real summer visit. As for living there…just send me straight on to Hades, thankyouverymuch. πŸ˜†


                Sway, I understand completely. I would far far live in the cold than the heat. I lived in Houston and then Atlanta for many years and it was far, far more miserable to live in the heat and humidity than it is for me to deal with the -12 we’re having right now! In the cold I can get warm and comfy and happy. In the heat there is no escape, it’s just misery.

                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                My art: featherdust.com


                  Awww Its not that bad here! I have lived in Florida for 34 years…. and I would prefer the heat to the cold any day….we got down to 29 degrees…and it was overcast and raining….. Let me tell you, it was nasty cold to the bones! Give me 95 degrees and 100% humidity….and im happy as a clam! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


                    frozendragon wrote:

                    darjeb wrote:

                    Can you believe the other day it was 35 degrees at PBI – hey this is FLORIDA. It broke cold records from 1903. Anybody want to send me some winter clothes (just kidding)

                    oops.. I think I let some cold air in those boxes I sent you.. 😈

                    Do you mean you caused this? I hate cold weather that is why I live in FLORIDA.

                    FLORIDA is my adopted state I have lived here since 8/98 when I retired. Before that I lived in Atlanta and the Kansas City, MO area (on the Kansas side) and I had enough cold weather with ice and snow to last me a lifetime.


                      Kalandra wrote:

                      Give me 95 degrees and 100% humidity….and im happy as a clam! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

                      I can do without the humidity, but 95 degrees sounds great.

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