Can anyone else get to Page 2 in the "List Your Collection" Thread?

Home Forums Miscellany Help & Feedback Can anyone else get to Page 2 in the "List Your Collection" Thread?

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      I know this seems very specific…but that’s the page where I update/change my collection…..but when I try to go to page 2 (by either selecting 2 or going to 1 or 3 and back) all I get is a big blank white page with nothing on it. Weird.


        I know this seems very specific…but that’s the page where I update/change my collection…..but when I try to go to page 2 (by either selecting 2 or going to 1 or 3 and back) all I get is a big blank white page with nothing on it. Weird.

        Nope, you’re not the only one. Does it for me, too.

        ↞↞≪∙ FOREVER SEEKING •↟•

        • ► By Patricia Smith ◄ •
        ☙ "SKY BRONZE" Emperor Dragon
        ✾ "RAINBOW ASAGI" Moon Oriental Dragon
        ✾ "RAINBOW TIGER" Sun Oriental Dragon

        • ► By Melody ◄ •
        ☙ "Test Paint #5" GB '15 PUMA
        ☙ #170 FANTASY GB '22 Young Qi'Lin
        ☙ #224 KOI GB '22 Young Qi'Lin


          changing the page number in the address to 2 instead of 1 worked for me…

          edit: actually in further looking, the page numbers seem to be screwed up, 2 in the address is actually page 3 when you scroll to the bottom of the page and 3 in the address is actually page 4, etc….

          edit edit: page 1 is now giving me the white blank page….numbers in address are still being wonky…

          4 things I'm looking for:
          1. Mother Meerkat
          2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
          3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
          4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


            Nope – clicking on “2” at the bottom of the page took me to white with “The server was reset …”. It seems to have stored an error message at that location instead of page 2. 🙁 Pages 1 and 3 worked fine. I didn’t explore further.


              Weird. I just went through that whole thread last night looking at all the pics and it was fine then…..

              Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


                Weird. I just went through that whole thread last night looking at all the pics and it was fine then…..

                It is confusing … Chloe is asking about the “List Your Collection” thread (text only, no photos), not “Show Your Collection”.


                  Really weird. I knew I should have kept a list of my collection elsewhere, too! 😉


                    Sent this to Lane. Not sure if he has been able to look into it yet.

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