California Sunshine Pie

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      1/2 Cup cold water
      7 Tablespoons cornstarch
      1 Cup hot water
      1 Cup sugar
      dash of salt
      3 egg yolks, beaten
      1/2 Cup orange juice
      1 teaspoon grated orange rind
      2 Tablespoons lemon juice
      1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
      1 Tablespoon butter
      1 baked pie shell

      Mix cold water and cornstarch. Combine hot water, sugar and salt and bring to a boil. Add cornstarch and cook until thick and smooth. Add egg yolks and cook a few minutes more. Add fruit juices, rinds and butter. Cool. Pour into baked pie shell. The recipe ends here, but G’ma ALWAYS added a freshly whipped cream topping and served it chilled. YUM!




        That sounds great! Never heard of it before. I take it that it tastes similar to a lemon pie?


          Yup, similar to lemon pie but the orange seems to kick it up a notch. My granda was well known for her cooking skills – when she and granda were first married, granpa worked for Adhor Farms Dairy as a milker (hand milking several hundred cows morning and evening) and granda was the cook for the milking crews – lots of very hungry young men. When it was threshing time she also fed the threshing crews. The main meal of the day was served at noon. Always fresh bread or rolls or bisuits hot out of the oven with freshly churned butter, some sort of beef dish, mashed potatoes with gravy, fresh green beans or peas or carrots from the garden and, of course, milk to drink. But what she was really known for were her pies and cakes – Two Crust Lemon Pie, California Sunshine Pie, fresh Strawberry Cream Pie, Pecan Pie, Walnut Pie and my dad’s favorite, Apple Cruch Top Pie; he would have that for his birthday instead of cake. All this when she was only 19 years old. One of grandpa’s favorites was grandma’s Devils Food Cake with Fudge frosting. Grandpa always said that a good caked was like building a brick wall; no ‘skimping’ on the frosting. It should be layered on to the cake like mortar between bricks 😉 If you’re interested, I’ll dig out the family cookbook and share more recipes 🙂

          twindragonsmum 🙂



            More of your family recipes would be great! The old recipes are usually the best, in my opinion. I will have to try the Sunshine Pie. My great-aunt made lemonade with orange juice added and it was a family favorite.


              Tomorrow I’ll be posting my grand’ma’s Lemonade Pie – Perfect for hot weather!

              twindragonsmum :love:



                Ok, pregnant…dreaming of pie and pancakes now….ddrrroooollllssss 🙂 lol they sound so good! Bet your babies love it when you dig into Grandma’s cooking ideas! 🙂


                  Didn’t get around to g’ma’s lemonade pie… thought you’d like this one. It’s from the cook book my dad wrote and it was always a yummy treat!


                  Ableskivers Swedish pancake balls. They are little roung dumplings, aabout 1 1/2″ in diameter and cooked in a special ableskiver pan, made of cast iron or aluminum and with seven wells to hold the ableskivers a they cook. We had one, but it go given to one of the kids and we had to buy six more as the other kids hace learned that their ablleskiver pan got given away.”

                  2 Cups sifted flour
                  2 Tablespoons sugar
                  1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon cardamon (optional)
                  1 Cup sour cream
                  2/3 Cup milk
                  3 egg yolks, beaten
                  3 egg whites, beaten till rounded peaks form
                  2 Tablespoons melted butter

                  Mix the dry ingredients and make a well in the center. Mix liquid ingredients (except egg whites) and pour into the dry ingredients, stirring unti well blended.

                  Pour the batter over the beaten egg whites and fold together gently.

                  Heat an ableskiver pan until a drop of water skitters around, then fill each well with batter. Using a fork or toothpick, turn the dumpling frequently till they brown on all sides and done through. Don’t poke them.

                  Serve with powdered sugar and perhaps tart jam.

                  The “apple” version has a little apple sauce or some chopped apple added to each dumpling as they cook, so it ends up in the center of the ableskiver.

                  I hope you try ’em. They’re fun and easy to make and a good thing to do on a cold evening with friends over…

                  twindragonsmum :love:



                    you know your Dad really loves you when he makes cake donuts from scratch, frosts them and puts lots of sprinkles on them just because you’ve had a hankering for them 🙂

                    twindragonsmum :love:



                      still looking for the lemonade pie recipe. so until I find it you’ll get some other things from our families cook book… Here’s what Dad has to say…

                      Brown and White Dessert

                      This has been a Ray Marshall Family favorite for 30 years or more. Different versions exist in all the brances of the family!

                      1 Cup flour
                      1 Cup chopped nuts
                      1 cube margarine

                      mix and pat into a 9X13″ pan. Bake at 350d for 15-20 minutes. Cool.

                      1 8 oz cube of cream cheese
                      1 Cup sifted powdered sugar
                      1/2 of 9 oz Coo Whip

                      Mix and spread over cooled cookie base.

                      Mix together 2 small packages instant chocolate pudding with 2 1/2 Cups Milk. Spread over cream cheese layer. Spread other half of Cool Whip on top. Sprinkle with chopped nuts (we use walnuts and sometimes include the in the cookie base) Refrigerate. YUM!

                      twindragonsmum 🙂


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