Today, after 16 years, our doggie left us. We had to make the decision to end her suffering, but it was a good decision: she wasn’t eating, she was skin and bones. She had arthritis and this week, she barely responded to us. So I was very, very sad, but leaving her to die her own death would’ve been close to torture, I think. So she had a bath this morning, I kissed her goodbye (though she hardly moved) and Dean left with her.
We had her as a pup, and for about 14 of her 16 years, she was probably the most hyper dog in all of Canada. Seriously. She loved to play, to run, and boy, did she and I have staring-ignoring matches during meal preparing time! We loved her dearly and don’t regret any of the time we had with her.
Here she is, a few years back, our little Pom-a-Poo. Bye Canelle!
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