Bullying is wrong

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      Yes there are a lot of people on the forum going through tough times , many of them quietly without saying anything , others embracing the support network on this forum but each with their own personal hardship & heartache . I lost my father 18 years ago , he didn’t make it to his 60’s & my mother is battling cancer for the third time after having a stroke last year but I would’t dare say my circumstances are worse than those others are having to deal with in their lives . Up until now only a few forum members are aware of what’s been happening in my life as that’s the way I choose to deal with it & I only mention it now to show that everyone has there own way of getting through the difficulties in their lives & whatever way they choose I hope it brings them some comfort .
      You say that words can be taken the wrong way Sasha & I agree at tmes they can be misinterpreted but when people use words like the examples I’ve given with the person I’m having problems with I can’t interpret anything but hate .


        Yeah you read something see red and then you respond badly . Step back and toke a breath then look at it again .
        I just need to laugh . I’m to serious most times .
        I never understood why people male or female have to be nasty . Remembering the nasty girls in school . A friend once told me the best revenge is to live well . Her point being have good life . Because those nasty girls probably aren’t happy in their lives now .
        Some boys were bad .
        Oh to be a teen now . Shutter with that thought .
        The hard thing is kids keep it a secret . And let it eat them up .


          They say that folks who have been bullied can themselves become bullies , perhaps this person that sent these worrying messages is one such person but I guess they would need to recognise & address it themselves but as you rightly said Sasha it’s easy to be nasty on a computer when you don’t have to face someone & I think that’s exactly what this person is doing , just as Sasha said , picking on someone to make themselves feel better .


            Oh man did I go over broad here and whine alot . Sorry to everyone here . I just have not felt good in days . Stress and depression. Won’t happen again . At least unless it’s under Whine is Served … the right thread to vent . This thread is not about me or my life .

            Probably bullies become telemarketers or bill collectors . Something we all deal with of late . Hard times and the money just isn’t there . And the bill collectors just won’t leave you alone .
            Seriously I think they were bullies as kids .


              I am the proud mother of a special needs child who is on the Autism spectrim,

              I worry about bullying with him all the time, My son is higher functioning… so he is not in a special needs class.. he is in the mainstream with all the other so called “normal functioning kids”…. because of his autism and the fact that socially he is not on par with the other kids.. I worry for two reasons… 1. kids my single him out because he is a little different…
              and 2. he might not even realize he’s being bullied… he could be made to do something that other kids know is wrong…or luried somewhere..where he is beaten up.

              He will be starting frist grade in the fall, and its nerve wrecking just thinking about it, Kids can be so cruel.

              As parents we have to weigh whats best for him… my husband was telling me about a school for just Autisic kids… at least there he would’nt be judged..teased, and reticlued….. But on the flip side.. he may have greater success with typical functioning kids… I guess its just one of those things we need to watch closely…and take it day by day.



                My heart goes out to you . Kids can be cruel . You want to keep them safe yet you want them to be happy .
                I haven’t the wisdom to tell you want to do . Follow your heart . Is the best thing .


                  A friend once told me the best revenge is to live well . Her point being have good life . Because those nasty girls probably aren’t happy in their lives now .

                  I was raised by my grandma and anytime I would be fired up about somebody she would say, “Success is the best revenge.” I’ve modeled my life after that quote.
                  My mother-in-law is a mean, bitter ol’ woman, when my kids were born she told me that everything I do is WRONG and that I’m too stupid to do anything right. She made my life miserable for an entire year. No one would probably believe me if I told them some of the horrible things she did to me. We haven’t spoken to her in 2 years. Someone told us that she’s been waiting for a phone call from my husband to tell her that he’s been miserable being married to me (Misery loves company in her case). I have gotten my revenge by having two happy and healthy children, a clean and pretty home, and my hubby says he’s the happiest he has ever been in his life. Her husband just left her this past year and 3 of her 4 children won’t speak to her. WHO’S THE ONE DOING EVERYTHING WRONG????
                  When someone is bugging you, don’t show them that it bugs you. Live your life the way that makes you happy. Bullies just try to upset you because they are jealous of your happiness. 🙂


                    My dad’s mom was nasty . She loved to cause trouble . Unless you had money you were not worth her notice .
                    She had a party and did not invite my dad and my mom . Well his sister got so mad at her and told her if they weren’t invited she wasn’t staying .
                    What hurts some of her kids are just like her . When my dad died of cancer one of his brother and his wife didn’t even come to the furnal . They said they were on vacation . Found out it was a lie . They were home . Now he has cancer .
                    What comes around goes around .


                    I hate bullies. They`re idiots with no personality and mind of their own. People whom does whatever their friends do and are too afraid to speak up. They`re primitive.People whom live through others. People that are so messed up that there`s no empathy left in them. These are the people that are going to loose in the end. They don`t have anything interesting to offer the world. They`ll never be able to create something great or do anything important to be cherished and remembered for.. unless they change. Some does. Others doesn`t…


                      I agree with you . They are people who care only for themselves and what can be done for them . Or what they can get out of something for themselves .
                      Compassion for others means you feel bad that you hurt someone .
                      Bullies don’t care . It’s all about them .
                      Some do change , some don’t .
                      Some bullies are hurting others because they are being hurt at home . They feel helpless at home against someone bigger or older and they want to regain their power by harming someone smaller then them .

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