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- This topic has 39 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 13 years, 7 months ago by Carolyn.
June 12, 2011 at 10:36 pm #848046
I heard some bad stuff . But I won’t name names . Several people have left and I looked at a thread that was just nasty . It was blocked . Why it wasn’t deleted I’ll never know . Hurtful words and saying someone copied someone elses theme in a pyo thread . I was shocked at the nastiness of it .
Some people enjoy being mean . Machineguts left because of nasty pms . Something to do with her painting dragons to give to charity . Now why anyone would send nasty emails over that is beyond me .Man I just stumbled on to another blocked thread . Man the nastiness of it . It hurts to see people so angry with each other . Ugh . I’m going to avoid them from now on . If it’s blocked /locked avoid it .
June 12, 2011 at 10:43 pm #848049To Sasha:
While some teachers do not actually care about bullying, MANY do (including my father and my fiance, among others I’ve encountered), and it is unfair to insist that teachers “Just don’t care”. Some of them are limited by union rules, or the law, to what they can do. Many can’t do anything unless the one being bullied ASKS for it – or if the bullies are directly caught in the act. Even then, they are limited as to the actions they can take against the child. I am sorry that the teachers that you personally dealt with, did not care about the bullying, but you can’t judge an entire profession by the acts of some.
Since that is out of the way:
I was teased relentlessly in high school, for many reasons. I don’t care to list them, as they are EXTREMELY person to myself and my family. It got to the point where I almost killed myself when I was 16. I wish I knew why kids did that, is it to make another kid feel as miserable as them? Do they just not realize the effect this has? Do their parents encourage, or even pressure, them into doing things like that? I don’t know. The internet and social networking, has just made things worse. You can bully people you’ve never met, without any fear that they’ll come to your house to retaliate. You don’t see their reaction, so you can’t emphasize with them, so you can say meaner things.
June 13, 2011 at 5:55 am #848081A friend of mine has a theory there is more bullying because kids learn that it is ok from watching reality TV. Think about how the contestants on American Idol are treated especially in the early shows. I admit that I watch Survivor and after we had a discussion on bullying I realized how much there was on Survivor. And ANTM, Jersey Shore, Apprentice (plus Celebrity)…the list goes on. And no, I do not watch all those shows but I have seen episodes of them where people were publicly embarrassed and humiliated in the name of entertainment. And don’t get me started on What Not to Wear! As a culture we not only condone bullying we reward it all in the name of entertainment.
I did see a really interesting interview with Lady Gaga. I don’t listen to her music so I don’t know much about her. She was bullied in school and wanted to wear masks so now that she can wear masks she does. She calls her fans her little monsters and tells them that they are each special and unique and to celebrate that. You probably all know that she is a very vocal advocate against bullying. What got me was that she has to tell herself every single day that she is a success – she said that what she was told as a teenager is easier to believe and she still hears those hateful words every day.:( That’s the thing about words – once they are out there they last forever. But the thing to remember is that positive, supportive, encouraging words last forever, too 🙂
June 13, 2011 at 7:19 am #848083To Sasha:
While some teachers do not actually care about bullying, MANY do (including my father and my fiance, among others I’ve encountered), and it is unfair to insist that teachers “Just don’t care”. Some of them are limited by union rules, or the law, to what they can do. Many can’t do anything unless the one being bullied ASKS for it – or if the bullies are directly caught in the act. Even then, they are limited as to the actions they can take against the child. I am sorry that the teachers that you personally dealt with, did not care about the bullying, but you can’t judge an entire profession by the acts of some.
Since that is out of the way:
I was teased relentlessly in high school, for many reasons. I don’t care to list them, as they are EXTREMELY person to myself and my family. It got to the point where I almost killed myself when I was 16. I wish I knew why kids did that, is it to make another kid feel as miserable as them? Do they just not realize the effect this has? Do their parents encourage, or even pressure, them into doing things like that? I don’t know. The internet and social networking, has just made things worse. You can bully people you’ve never met, without any fear that they’ll come to your house to retaliate. You don’t see their reaction, so you can’t emphasize with them, so you can say meaner things.
Yes thats true . I was teased in front of teachers and that I know of nothing was done . Who knows .
What really hurt once was a teather who I liked laughed at a picture of my dog in a cruel way showing the pic to one of the nasty girls in class .
That hurt . Turns out not many kids liked her . She only liked the clique girls .June 13, 2011 at 7:23 am #848084Yes reality tv is another problem . I don’t watch it . Unless it’s a home improvment show or one on ghosts and the such . How much of it is reality any way .
Can’t sleep so I’m here .
June 13, 2011 at 12:48 pm #848092Bullying of all ages needs to stop.Period.
When I was four and a half years old,I was placed in a Foster home.They had the big dog that took an instant dislike to me.Well he got me good one day.I had over 200 stitches,mostly in my face.So,yep,I too know about bullying.I have had the nastiest,meanest things said to me as a child and as an adult by both.Little children,you can see why they would say things,it is odd and unusual to see someone with a bad scar across their cheek but ADULTS? Bullying of any kind is wrong and it must be addressed as an important topic in all homes.We are one planet,one species and we need to respect and be respected.Our children are little mocking birds.Just as sure as they learn to mock speech,they learn to mock behavior.
Children learn what they live.Let’s all raise caring,intelligent young ones to take the lead and be better than we are.
Just my .02 🙂Every act matters.No matter how small💞
(Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.June 13, 2011 at 1:12 pm #848096Bullying stresses me out and makes things dark and depressed and the nasty things that go with it .
Yeah I don’t know how kids deal with life today . I’m sure I’d be one of those kids who toke his / her own life over it . Depression is nasty . I’ve lived with it sense junior high school . I hated school and the kids every day was a nightmare going to school .
Bullies are cowards who pick on others to feel better about themselves .June 13, 2011 at 2:08 pm #848097I heard some bad stuff . But I won’t name names . Several people have left and I looked at a thread that was just nasty . It was blocked . Why it wasn’t deleted I’ll never know . Hurtful words and saying someone copied someone elses theme in a pyo thread . I was shocked at the nastiness of it .
Some people enjoy being mean . Machineguts left because of nasty pms . Something to do with her painting dragons to give to charity . Now why anyone would send nasty emails over that is beyond me .Man I just stumbled on to another blocked thread . Man the nastiness of it . It hurts to see people so angry with each other . Ugh . I’m going to avoid them from now on . If it’s blocked /locked avoid it .
It has been my experience, on this forum, that about 95% of arguments and problems come from misunderstanding, and misinterpreting text. The internet age brings us to a very interesting psychological crossroads– we are all connected, more easily and readily than ever before. We can talk, right now! to people thousands of miles away in real time. However… there is little emotion in text. We cannot see people’s faces or hear subtle changes in the tone of their voice when we read text. We read text with our own mental voice, and add emphasis, tone, and so forth by ourselves. Because of this it is incredibly easy to falsely paint a ‘tone’ of voice onto someone’s words and suddenly it means something else to you. Our brains are wired to interpret subtle (sometimes VERY subtle!) changes in tone of voice, facial expression, posture, and so on when we talk to one another. With text we loose this and misunderstandings fly around violently.
I have found that when I start to get hot under the collar, or offended, or upset by something I read online that I have to take a step back and make sure I am not making things worse. Also, because the internet is a worldwide communications medium, it’s especially important to remember that people come from every background– every culture, language, gender, political alignment, religious alignment, ethnicity, and so on, and it’s inevitable that there are going to be misunderstandings.
I am not saying that cyber bulling does not exist. It does! It is very real, and is a very real problem. All I am saying is that I have observed it very rarely here on THIS forum. Most of the time it is a misunderstanding that escalates to an argument, and then people start taking sides. Most of the time it can be avoided.
If someone is bullying through the forums or PMs, please let me know. Keep all your PMs just in case you need ‘proof’ (I cannot take ‘he said she said’ as proof and I have to remain neutral).
Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
My art: featherdust.comJune 14, 2011 at 1:10 am #848099Yeah somethings can not be talked about . Not without trouble . I just wanted this thread to be a place to talk about this subject . As it effects everyone . And talking about it helps . Gets it out into the open .
Yes we can’t know what others are thinking or feeling when they post things and take it wrong . And so many just react badly like your attacting them . When you weren’t .
Man I’ve had that sort of reaction . I say something , ask about something and nearly get my head bit off in the reply . Overreacting . A simple request and a negitive back lash .June 19, 2011 at 11:57 am #848200I get scared of openning emails and PMs because I’m not sure what they are about . I refuse to open one that I think is going to be hostal . I delete them rather then open them .
There is no need to attack people . Raise above it . Don’t let someone bait you . I’m a shy person and just not that social . Be nice and you’ll receive the same .
I’d rather sit and watch a good movie . And share a good movie .To Elvira , yes I’ve seen Barbara Steele movies . Black Sunday , where I think she was a witch comdemed to death and had a mask with spikes hammered on her face . That freaked me out as a kid . Horrifying . LOL
Tame today but it still gives me the chills . And she was probaly the best thing in the Dark Shadow Revival series .June 19, 2011 at 2:41 pm #848714Cyberbullying is wrong . Causes stress and ilness and sometimes taking of one’s life over it . So think before you say something to someone or about someone .
June 19, 2011 at 2:53 pm #848717It has been said and I’ll say it again–any type of bullying is wrong! It saddens me that you are wary of opening emails or PMs because they may be hostile. When I was very young, I was very shy and it seems the bullies are attracted to this. Bullying affects a person’s self esteem and they are always afraid of what others might think of them.
I’m glad you brought this out Sasha, we all know it exists but we need to hear it again. On forums, such as these, sometimes the way people write things is not how they mean them. We can’t read each other’s minds so we need to give people the benefit of the doubt.
We’ll all here because we love the work of Melody Pena. I enjoy seeing what everyone does with their PYOs because Melody encourages us to get in touch with our artistic side. It is also a media for moral support–some of us gets down and life just keeps throwing the crap at us until we feel we can’t take it anymore. We all have seen people vent that out and that’s a good thing.
Remember, we really don’t know each other that well so try and be kind to each other. You never know what the other person is currently going through.
June 19, 2011 at 3:20 pm #848718Your right venting your problems or fights with someone here . I’m learning not to let it bother me so much . We don’t know each other very well , your very right in that . Poison pens have been around a long time .
I’ve always been shy and not very social . Loving creativity over sports . Oh did kids like the hate that . Girls mostly . To say a girl is the fairer softer sex never met a female bully . lol . Having things stolen too .
I still love to draw and write if only for myself .This is a subject that needs to be talked about in the open .
We do need to learn not to judge others because we don’t know what they are going thru.
Me I’m going thru alot . My mom has ALS or more well known as Lou Gehrig’s disease and it’s so hard on me . No cure . I don’t need the added stress . I can’t imagine not having her around .June 19, 2011 at 4:51 pm #848721Yes thankyou for starting this thread Sasha . I too am having problems on the forum with someone name calling & saying horrible things behind my back but not to my face or PMing me but to others here on the forum – things like they hate me , I’m a b@#$h & wishing that I’d drop off the face of the earth . I obviously can’t defend myself as they’re not saying these things directly to me & I suspect if I sent a PM asking why they’re doing this they wouldn’t reply .
I agree with you also Ladyfirebird that we can read things the wrong way to what has been meant & I’ve been guilty of that on this forum myself , thinking that someone is being sharp or nippy when that’s not what they’ve meant , but when words like the above are used there is no mistaking what the writer means .June 19, 2011 at 5:14 pm #848723It’s easier when you don’t have to face someone . Words are taken wrong because you can’t see the face of the one typing the words .
And we don’t know what is going on in their real life .
You get mad at something said , but stand back and see if it was how you thought it was meant .
I’m going thru alot in my life right now . My mom is sick . And I can barely handle it . And noone to talk to . I’m an only child . It’s Father’s Day and he’s been gone sense 1998 Sept 11 . Cancer , so it’s not a fun day either .I just prefer animals they don’t judge you . Don’t ask for much either . A happy warm home , love and food . And they give so much back .
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