
Bug Stories-share yours

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      I’m pretty comfortable living harmoniously with what bugs I do encounter on a day to day basis. Haven’t seen them in a while, but for sure I don’t like roaches and would not like bed bugs =P Also, large house centipedes give me the willies if one runs close by. They must be well fed in my house because they grow ginormous.

      There is an expectation though; I hate, HATE Deer Ticks! *shutters* Quite a few family members, friends, and pets have contracted Lyme. Doctors here hand out antibiotics like candy before tests even come back if they suspect it and no loved ones have gotten any noticeable permanent systems from it. But lately, I’ve started to worry about not catching and treating it in time. Plus, it’s so gross yanking ticks off yourself, your loved ones, and your dogs. Yuck!


        I like most bugs, but I have a list of “icky” ones. I dislike ticks and leeches…the thought of something attaching for any meaningful amount of time while sucking my blood gives me the willies. Mosquitoes, on the other hand, are ok. Just annoying. Roaches–well, I’d never seen a live one until I moved to Minnesota. Back in SD, they just didn’t exist. The closest thing were boxelder bugs, which I despise and will go on a stomping rampage if I find them. It’s not that they freak me out, just gross me out. Oh, and there’s a size threshold that bugs should really not cross. Big bugs, fine. Giant bugs (like the ones on that one scene in Indiana Jones), not so fine. I’d have to be pretty sure they weren’t going to bite or something before I touched it. Not that that makes any sense. Dragonflies will bite (and hard), but I am still fascinated with them.


          Oh, I forgot to mention this centipede I saw one time in high school at my dad’s house. It crossed the size threshold. And it was fast with really, really long legs. I stepped on it…and it’s legs continued to move…on either side of my shoe. Ugh.


            I love almost all bugs! I do dislike Cockroaches, just because we used to have such a huge problem with them in my mother’s apartment complex (if one tenant was dirty and had them, then you’d see them in almost every apartment in that building, it was an old building) and I do dislike bugs that bite/suck blood if they’re on me.

            I finally saw my first cicada this summer here in the Chicago area! (been here 2 years now) Saw one with wings on the side of Target brick wall on my way to work, and a couple weeks later, saw one crawling out of the dirt as I was walking to work in the morning. They’re cool! I of course had to stop and spend a few minutes looking at them and was a bit late to work each morning 😛

            I think spiders are beautiful and awesome 😀 I’m one of those girls that goes “OOOOOOHHHH New Bug to look at!” and my friends/boyfriend look at me in varying degrees of disgust or puzzlement, and get irritated when I want to look at it/pick it up/take it home LOL
            I had a “pet” spider for a while. She was a spider I found on my pillow one morning. Got up, turned around to look at my bed, and BAM spider on my pillow where my head just was. I kept her and fed her and she got fat and eventually laid an egg sack and died 🙁

            Here she is, dragging a cricket up to the dark corner of her little enclosure.


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