pegasi1978 wrote:
It used to be whenever a piece was added to the store or listed on ebay that an email would go out via the mailing list, but I haven’t gotten one of those in a very long time.
I’m sorry, but we don’t do the “mass” emailing any more when a new item goes into ebay or in the store – we haven’t been able to continue that – we had some email issues with our computers here. When new items come out we try to put a notice in this section of the forum and sometimes Melody posts a notice in announcements or the general section.
When we’ve had an item in stock and run out, if you want to be on my email waiting list for it, please email me with the item name and “waiting list” in the subject (one item per email please) and then when it’s back it stock I will try to let you know. I won’t set aside an item for you, i’ll just let you know when we have them again.