Brown dragons

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      I don’t have a comprehensive list of all the dragons that we have painted in old brown. I think we’ve painted almost all of them in old brown at some point, except the orientals, Bantam and the Hearth dragon.
      Have we missed any?
      I’d love to see pics of your old browns! Especially the Emp.



        Here are a few of mine.flash/no flash



        Every act matters.No matter how smallđź’ž
        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
        Male day🤞Dream on.


          I don’t have a comprehensive list of all the dragons that we have painted in old brown. I think we’ve painted almost all of them in old brown at some point, except the orientals, Bantam and the Hearth dragon.
          Have we missed any?
          I’d love to see pics of your old browns! Especially the Emp.


          Nice! Such good ‘ol guys!


            The Windstone Dragons that have not been painted in the old “Brown” as of this date are: #511.5 Mother Coiled with the crystal ball, all of the Oriental styles, The Female Hearth Dragon, both Loaf Dragons, and the new Bantam.


              I only have a Male, Mother, and Lap in Old Brown, but I can try to snap some photos once my bathroom isn’t under construction and I can get into the closet again!

              Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


              I have the Lap and Curled Dragon in Old Brown; will try and get a photo layer this week!!


                Here you go.


                Every act matters.No matter how smallđź’ž
                (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                Male day🤞Dream on.


                  Well I guess painting up some of the later date ones is out of the questions, like Emperor, Royals, Lap, warrior, etc.. I bet they would sell really fast. even on eBay. The Orientals alone would create a riot. LOL Well we can all wish.


                    You are correct Micheal. The old brown color is lap, OW, scratching, fledgie, curled, coiled, hatching royalty are all retired. Many of those came with COAs and when Windstone stopped offering them in store they announced they would not be painting any more in old brown. It’s why the lap, OW, Scratcher, royals are so much harder to find than the mother, father, hatching—-these 3 were on the market for several years at stores like Wicks and Sticks. The LP brown dragons were only made in much smaller batches. It’s also why they sell for so much more than original store price because there are not as many of them. In my option, a damaged scratcher, lap Emperor (particularly in old brown) is still worth at least store price if it can be repaired because the dragon itself is so rare. With collectables condition matters, but so does availability. If it’s a smaller offering they retain their value because the chances of finding another one are much slimmer hence damaged dragon = higher value due to rarity.

                    Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                    Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                    Sun Dragon Koi #3

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