I received a VERY broken orange-eyed emerald emperor dragon a few
days ago. I thought I had found a mint( no box ) emerald emperor dragon
with red eyes but much to my dismay, upon opening the box, I had the
broken head of an ORANGE-EYED emperor dragon staring back at me. I
wanted to just fall over and DIE! The guy I purchased it from neglected
to take insurance out on it so now I can not file a claim! I had purchased
other things from him with no problems so I don’t know why he packaged
such a big, heavy piece so poorly. Oh well, complaining now will not change
what happened! 🙄 :shout:
I really do not want to just throw it away so I thought that maybe someone
on this forum may want to try to fix him or pay someone else to fix it.
I have had several people interested already so if anyone else may be interested, please give me your regular email address so I can send you some pictures. ( I do not belong to any photo sharing web sites so I can’t post any pictures in this forum)
I do want to make it VERY clear that it is REALLY broken but I do have ALL
the pieces and I will carefully repackage it so it doesn’t break any further.
Buyer/winner will pay for shipping.
Sorry sale off, Kyrin has agreed to repair him for me YEAY
Thank you