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    I re-read my post I hope people didn’t think that I thought it was ALL christians that thought that way – just the two specific priests in my backwater hick town.

    I think that they should be at least given the right to choose. Just because you can get married doesn’t mean you have to. It just means that you can if you want to. I don’t see what the big deal is. My dad’s only problem is that he believes marriage is between a man and a woman and that it should be called something else for homosexuals. Which doesn’t make sense but I’m working on my grandma and her discrimination towards my mom’s multiple personalities. One person at a time eh? taking on too much is just going to fail.

    Damn me and my tired rants! 😆


    The big issue for gay couples is that rights that hetro couples are granted automatically through marriage is a big major pile of red tape to obtain for a non married couple, and often the blood family of either partner can override their rights, even when it is done legally.

    Marriage affords many important things, right to be with your partner when they are hospitalized, joint ownership of assets, decision making for when a partner is on life support, custody of the children in the event of partner’s death, health insurance through the partner’s employment, and a bunch of other things I can’t think of right now.

    What often happens when a gay couple encounter the hospital issue, or death is the blood family makes all the decisions, whether their family member would have wanted it or not, and sadly they often leave the life partner out of it and even deny visitation. The gay partner is left out of it, and not even allowed to be with their loved one.

    As it is, my family has similar issues regarding our roommate, we consider him part of our family, he has been hospitalized several times in the 8 years he has lived with us, and each time we have to argue with the hospital for visitation, cause we’re not blood related. Well we’ve all he’s got, so you’d better let us in, damnit.

    When you start getting people together that want to form a permanent type of family unit without marriage, you hit a lot of legal red tape and expense to get the rights you would have with a marriage.

    Hence why gays are asking for marriage, since it gives all those rights and expectations, all in one neat little legal package without a lot of hassle.


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