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      Hey Melody, do you guys have any idea how many different brochures you’ve put out over the years? I’m trying to collect them, but as I look at the 8 I’ve gotten so far (thanks mostly to a kind forum member – you know who you are! 😉 ) I notice there are “spring”, “fall”, and “winter” ones for the later years…does that mean there was one for each season of every year? D: Or was that just an indication of the time of year the brochure was released?



          kitsunelady wrote:

          Hey Melody, do you guys have any idea how many different brochures you’ve put out over the years? I’m trying to collect them, but as I look at the 8 I’ve gotten so far (thanks mostly to a kind forum member – you know who you are! 😉 ) I notice there are “spring”, “fall”, and “winter” ones for the later years…does that mean there was one for each season of every year? D: Or was that just an indication of the time of year the brochure was released?

          I’ve never counted them, I wonder if we have that info somewhere… which do you have? We used to put out a new one every time we had a few new sculptures, which was once or twice a year.


            These are the ones I have (click for picture):

            Peacock Mouse Wizard – 1997
            Dragon Gargoyle – 1997
            Emerald Royalty – 1997
            Circle of Cats – Spring 2001
            Sea Fire Mermaid – Fall 2003
            Rock Dragon – Winter 2005
            Male Kirin – 1992
            Peacock Emperor – 1999
            Castle Weinberg – 1995
            Forms of the Feminine Spirit – 2004
            Mother Griffin Gargoyle – 1995

            Geh, I just realized after looking for dates on them that I have three from 1997 alone. Clearly I must have a long way to go!? O__O;;


            1995’s Gargoyle pamphlet has the Mother Griffin Gargoyle on it. And the one for 1996 has the Hyena Gargoyle on it’s cover. I have the Emerald Royalty and Male Ki-Rin ones too. I have a big envelope of them somewhere too. I think I have close to 12 or so of the pamphlets. I used to go to the local stores even when I couldn’t afford to buy the pieces themselves, just to get the books! I miss them now…I mean, I can get a pic of pieces off the net, but the books were so much nicer. (And, I guess another form of collectible from Windstone!) 😀


            Hi, I have a few other brochures that I saved. Here are a few more you can watch for:

            peacock hatching empress
            peacock scratching dragon
            gargoyle cover – roaring sentinel
            gargoyle cover – mother grifin
            gargoyle cover – unicorn
            gargoyle cover – hyaena
            fall 2002 with the black wizard cat
            fall 2001 Grimalkin
            and one for the forms of the feminine spirit

            The lady that was kind enough to special order the Windstone pieces I was looking for would also sometimes include a larger 8×10 page with the new Windstone figures. Those were really nice. Have you seen any of those pages?


            I have 4 or 5 of the larger 8×10’s. They are really nice! I also got an article page on why and what Melody does in her time. It was from some magazine or something a long while back. It’s packed away somewhere in my boxes. 😕


              Ehh, I’ve never seen any of the 8×10 ones in reality; just in pictures that Nirvanacat sent me. =) Some of them were pretty cool – that’s why I wish there were some little posters for sale in the cafepress shop; the “mini” size would be purrfect.

              I guess not many people actually saved the little brochures…or I might see more of them for sale on ebay, sigh. Thanks for the help, WC and dragon_egg. =) Maybe I should post a ‘wanted’ ad on craigslist or something…*rubs chin* e.e


              kitsunelady wrote:

              Ehh, I’ve never seen any of the 8×10 ones in reality; just in pictures that Nirvanacat sent me. =) Some of them were pretty cool – that’s why I wish there were some little posters for sale in the cafepress shop; the “mini” size would be purrfect.

              I guess not many people actually saved the little brochures…or I might see more of them for sale on ebay, sigh. Thanks for the help, WC and dragon_egg. =) Maybe I should post a ‘wanted’ ad on craigslist or something…*rubs chin* e.e
              I’ll try to dig around and find them. Then maybe I have a couple that Dragon_egg doesn’t. 😀
              I o know I have one somewhere with the male Ki-Rin on the cover. That was one of my favorites! 😀


                I have some of the Maya Hill brochures left over. I’ll send them to people if they want one. I may need a dollar for envelope and postage though.


                When our local collectibles store closed, I snagged their big hanging display card. It has a picture of the Wizard Cat on one side and one of the Circle of Cats candlelamps on the other. They thought I was a little odd to ask for it, but it saved them having to toss it in the dumpster. It’s hanging on my wall now. Periodically I reverse it. 😉


                Ah, heh, I came to say I found the two you said you knew you were missing in the blog (the Sea Fire Mermaid cover and the Rock Dragon cover) but I see kitsunelady already has pics of those. 😉 Those are the only ones I have, fuu.

                When I got the Sea Fire brochure with my first Windstone– the griffin candlelamp I would just stare at the black male griffin longingly at times; you guys had just retired them when I got started! I ended up getting the last griffin candlelamp at! Totally got lucky there. XD (I also consider being able to snag a black griffin for $75 BIN on eBay within fifteen minutes of it being posted on eBay terribly lucky…but now I’m getting off topic.)

                Oh, yeah, both of my brochures do have stickers labeling what websites they came from- Armiks and Astral Castle. I’m guessing the big white rectangle is just for that kind of purpose, and for some reason I think it’s interesting so I can remember where they came from. But I’m amused by simple things. X)


                  Oh! I have one not pictured! I’ll have to upload it when I get home 🙂

                  Got a busted Windstone?
                  *OPEN for repairs*

                  *SEEKING GRAILS*
                  Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                  Siphlophis Male Dragon
                  Calypso Hatching Empress
                  Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                  Tattoo Mother Kirin
                  Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                  Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                  Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                  Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                  Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                  Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                    I have one with the dragon gargoyle on the front that I’ve emailed.. and I do have a few extra ones of the one with the peacock scratching dragon on the front if anyone wants one, I have one each of the one with seafire on the front, the cat wizard, the peacock emperor dragon(close up) and one with the velociraptor on the front..


                      I say, I totally want one! @ frozendragon The peacock scratcher brochure, that is. 😀 😀 Pretty please~!

                      I updated my list up there, because someone sold me 3 more. =) I think Melody has them all on her list already?

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