
Breyer Horse Collecting?

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      Ive always collected the traditional sizes but I do have few in classic sizes. The original Black Beauty set, a few in the shire mold and an Arabian mare that are all classics.
      I love both sizes, the detailing and quality on them is the same.
      I also have several of the porcelain ones. Those are done both sizes as well.
      I have a few of the crystal ones too. They are small, the largest being 4″ Tall x 5″ long. And the smallest I have being 3.5″ tall x 5″ long. The details on these is amazing as well.

      Personally for me I just go with the mold I like regardless of the size. If they made some of the traditional molds on a smaller scale I would probably go with smaller, just to have more room. lol

      I am happy you like your pony so much. He is beautiful, although not one that I have collected.
      SOOOO many to choose from, it’s hard to pick just one!

      Looking for:


        Daylight confirms, mine’s actually more red roan rather than purple roan, but I like both looks on him! 🙂


          Ok, so these are some pics of some of my horse collection. These are probably the ones worth the most, which is why I have them on display. This is no where near what I actually have though. All the ones from the 90s are boxed up at my moms place. I have another conga line of Peter Stone Arabians upstairs along with other random models. I also have all the Christmas models. A few are out of box, but most are still NIB. All my nicer SMs are wrapped/boxed up because I show those, and I don’t want to be taking them in and out. (Except the recent additions to the herd, those are out for now) The last show I went to was last spring, and I am finally getting to another one on the 20th of Feb. I only have a Windstone conga of tadpoads, but as you can see, I conga other things too!

          Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


          Holy moly! That’s a lot! 🙂

          I had no idea there were so many variations. I like the black tassel-wearing one in the last picture 🙂

          Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


            That’s an awesome collection! I need to get a picture of my horses, my herd is quite small but growing every year!

            *Formerly meowmix101
            Not currently open for PYO commissions.


              Wow! O_o Beautiful collection!


                FWIW I’ve found a ton of variation in the asking prices on ebay, but to the left on your search results there you can filter by “Sold listings” which gives you a much more accurate idea of how much pieces have gone for in the last 3 months.

                I’m in clean-out mode at my mom’s house and have a MASSIVE herd of Breyers from about mid-80s to 2007-ish. If there’s a production piece any of you all after in particular, shoot me a PM.

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