Boyohs driving?!?!?!?!?

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      Today twindragon1 & twindragon2 start their first day of driver’s ed… Am I grown up enough to let them drive????? Guess I’ll just have to get used to that idea. They ARE 15 1/2 and legal driving age in Idaho is 14. I don’t know, though; seems like yesterday they were my babies. Where did 15 years go???




        Wonderful . Yes how time flies .


          I know how you feel, Mum. Tomorrow my boys turn 3!! Last night we showed them pictures from when they were born. When they were born, my littlest could fit in the palm of your hand, now he’s waist high on me! Where does the time go??


            WOW! Driving. Everyone clear the roads! hehe just kidding 😉 Im sure they will do fine. The driving age in Texas is 16 (although you can get a learner’s permit at 15) and I remember being in the DPS one time. There was a 14 year old girl there who was trying to get her drivers licence. She had moved from Alaska, where the driving age is 14, and she was FURIOUS she had to wait another 2 years to get her licence here.

            Good luck with the twins!


              I thing it is every parents nightmare that their teenager starts driving


                I didn’t start driving until I was practically 19. I got my permit at 18, just a few days or a week before my 19th birthday, and got my license a couple weeks later… after just one actual (15min) test drive lol. Got a perfect score on the driving test XD Guess my parents never had to deal with that “nightmare” heh. I did have a car at 16, my grandma gave it to me, but I didn’t want or care to drive (my brother ended up driving it when his car died). Even today, I still hate driving.

                Well, my brother forced me to drive home in his firebird one time when I was like, 12. But that doesn’t count.

                Most kids seem to catch on to driving pretty quick. I don’t think you have anything to really worry about 🙂

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