Box maddness

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    I guess this is sort of a question too.

    Tonight when I was putting my new pieces away I realized that I have many many boxes. 15 so far.

    Now two are really easy as they have the full name of the piece on them.

    But GB pieces just have GB edition on them… they don’t even have a year. Now I have 10 fishy fat cats and while I think 2 might go on to new homes… I can’t remember exactly which boxes they came out of.

    How do other collectors keep them sorted?!

    DREAM/GRAIL POAD = #9 of the 2021 Spring Young GB

    Always looking to increase my Poad Clutter.
    After GB poads of all ages
    Please Msg me if you have one who might like living in Aus


    Seeking a Zeppard Poad, PREF Teal / Blue eyes
    Dream/Grail Piece/s; Okapi Adult Poad; #9 of the 2021 Spring Young GB


      When I think about it, I will pencil an identifier on the box. As far as GBs, others may be more concerned about original box to sculpt than I am, but I figure if a GB cat ( or Kirin, or whatever) is in a GB cat (or Kirin, or whatever) box that isn’t specifically labeled, regardless of year or batch, no problem. 😉

      edit: I hope this made sense.


        I don’t think many people care what original box something came in. There’s no way to tell which exact gb box it came in…and I don’t know why you would worry about it since they are literally just pulled down and packed at the factory. I’d much rather have a clean, sturdy box than one someone had written on. But honestly if the box is the right sculpt name and helps it arrive without breaking that’s all I really care about.

        Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
        ANY Red Eyed Unis
        ANY Test Paint Bat
        The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
        Male- Snow Leopard TP
        White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
        Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
        Mother: Okapi
        Gothic - Mahogany
        PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
        DRAGONS: Male Coyote


          When I unpack a piece I write a description on the box in pencil. I then erase the description before sending a piece that I have sold or traded, but I’m sure it is in the original box.

          Recent Windstone pieces, including Grab Bags, have a date stamped on the box. That should help keep things sorted out in the future.

          As far as the fat cats go – there has only been one grab bag, so any GB fat cat box is from the same batch. You don’t have to keep track more closely than that. It gets trickier when there have been several Grab Bag versions of a sculpt. The baby unicorns are a prime example of that!


            When I unpack a piece I write a description on the box in pencil. I then erase the description before sending a piece that I have sold or traded, but I’m sure it is in the original box.

            I’ve written a short description on a post-it note and taped it with a small piece of tape to the box. I’ve got bunches of smaller boxes as well. I’m planning on unfolding them to pack into one plastic crate for storage. It should take up way less room and the plastic crate will protect the cardboard boxes. 🙂

            Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
            Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

            *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
            *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


            These are some wonderful ideas!
            Atm I think I am very lucky that the fat cats have only had one release.

            I do have 3 young poad boxes… only one lf which has a date stamped on it. But the Poads themselves do not have dates or years which makes matching them up an impossibly

            Correction…. one I have has a stamped box… but I am convinced that the young that came in it is from a different batch. The box and the card state May 2013… but the Poad in question is identical to, if not one of the young featured on the February 2012 card

            Also has anyone else noticed that both fat cats and young poads use the same two box sizes…

            The 2 boxes I have that aren’t an issue are the LP Poads as their name is written out in full.

            DREAM/GRAIL POAD = #9 of the 2021 Spring Young GB

            Always looking to increase my Poad Clutter.
            After GB poads of all ages
            Please Msg me if you have one who might like living in Aus


            Seeking a Zeppard Poad, PREF Teal / Blue eyes
            Dream/Grail Piece/s; Okapi Adult Poad; #9 of the 2021 Spring Young GB

            Danzig Moon (Karen)

              :bigsmile: My WS Boxes have their own 8 x 16 house. I will label them with a marker as to month and year they came out. Then box along with the rest of their packing and insert and are sorted into the proper order in the Box House.

              Now, with the date being on the box, I high light that and just put GB on the box and them in their proper section.

              If it is a production piece I will put what piece it is and also the color.

              *** Always looking for Brindles..*** AWD Pieces **** Lavender Coiled Mother with Globe**** if you have one you would like to sell or trade please contact me ?


                I put all the little white labeled boxes into bigger boxes and try to keep the same size boxes together grouped with same sculpt boxes. Although when I get new grab bags in, those little boxes tend to go in newer boxes so if I sell something I know whether to pull out an old or new box based on if it’s an older or newer grab bag batch. I usually keep my poad cards in the bottom of the little white boxes so I know which poad goes where and so I don’t forget the cards. Basically though if I have a bunch of say grab bag baby unicorn boxes together and they don’t specify the date, then I just pick one for something I trade or sell. It can happen though that people may send a poad with the correctly labeled box but maybe the wrong date. I don’t think most people really care too much about what’s marked on a box besides the sculpt name. I have had the odd piece shipped to me in a white box labeled with a different sculpt name and crossed out so then I just write the new name on the box myself. I usually wouldn’t ship something in a box like that though, but just keep it and send the piece in a correctly labeled box.

                Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                  Personally, I do save any of the Windstone boxes that I get. I have them fitted into each other and sitting on a few shelves in my closet.
                  Most do have what they are printed on the sticker. Some have been written on. I will write on a box what came in it if its not already marked. With pen or pencil, whatever happens to be closest when I am putting the box away.
                  Having said that, A lot of people don’t save boxes, after all they aren’t planning on ever selling the Windstone again. So, while it is great to get an item I buy or trade from someone in its original box, the most important thing to me is that it is well packed and doubled boxed so that it arrives safely.

                  Looking for:


                    I store my boxes in the attic. The Old Warriors, Emperors, and Rising Spectrals are stacked on their own, the rest are corralled in the 12x12x18 shipping cartons my larger orders came in. The boxes are listed on the outside of the carton which is numbered. I have a spreadsheet of all my dragons recording the price and also noting which carton the box is in (if I have it – some of the earlier ones don’t have boxes). Each carton is an exercise in tetrising, especially the ones full of smaller boxes. I keep the inserts and the plastic bags, but for the ones without inserts, I don’t keep the paper wrap. I figure I can replace that later should I ever need to re-pack for storage, moving, or selling.


                      I guess this is sort of a question too.

                      Tonight when I was putting my new pieces away I realized that I have many many boxes. 15 so far.

                      Now two are really easy as they have the full name of the piece on them.

                      But GB pieces just have GB edition on them… they don’t even have a year. Now I have 10 fishy fat cats and while I think 2 might go on to new homes… I can’t remember exactly which boxes they came out of.

                      How do other collectors keep them sorted?!

                      I put a sticker with the specifics on the bag that was around the sculpt! So if I’m in doubt about a box, I open it up and take out the bag, and the sticker will say “Standing Baby Kirin, Blue-Eyed Albino” and I’ll know. 🙂

                      This helps me a lot, because some of my pieces came to me secondhand and don’t match what their box says! (I don’t own a Sitting Griffin Chick in Black, but I have a box with that label. The bag inside, however, says it belongs to my Sitting Baby Kirin!)

                      Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


                        I put all my boxes in large storage containers, but larger boxes get stacked in a spare room we dont use. The smaller boxes are itemized in my nifty windstone journal (where I keep track of who i buy-sell-trade with). If I am looking for the box for my Tancho Koi oriental, I know to find it in container #4. I don’t concern myself with what GB came out of which box…if I am selling-trading a GBY poad for example, I just grab the first GBYP box I see. So far, there have been no complaints. If I am the purchaser, I am happy to receive a clean, sturdy (not written on) box, for the appropriate sculpture….but I dont expect the exact box in which it originally came in….as long as its a box for any GBYP, I’m happy.

                        Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!

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