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  • #743043

      That Griffin is beautiful 😀 . Very nicely done!


      lamortefille wrote:

      I think he needs to go sit next to Prax! 😀 He’s just wonderful, GB!

      Thank you! That’s quite a good idea, you know – I’m open to commissions once the store gets more PYOs. 😳


      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      OH MY GOD! I went back and looked a couple times at his WIP pic. (I admit, I liked the little tree too, and your table always has neat deco on it. 😳 But mostly I went to drool.)
      He will have a sister, named Sky too when they both get here! 😀
      GB, you have really outdone yourself, and I have to keep pinching myself to make sure I am really seeing him, and that he is coming to live with me! (BTW…I am going to be moving my PYO Griff army into the living room. I have waited patiently for the corner I wanted my shelf to be in to clear out, and it is finally done! Now I can look at all the wonderful Griffs everyone has painted for me whenever I am home. 8) )

      Thank you so much! 🙂

      Oh, also, your dragon has a name now…”Papilio” which is a shortened form of the scientific name of his family of butterflies…Papiliondinae. 😀

      Papilio is very fitting. He’ll go nicely with my pretty Froggie dragon from dragonslairtreasures.
      The past few evenings have been full, but I’ll clear coat him on Saturday; maybe I can send him out the same day.


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        lamortefille wrote:

        I think he needs to go sit next to Prax! 😀 He’s just wonderful, GB!

        Thank you! That’s quite a good idea, you know – I’m open to commissions once the store gets more PYOs. 😳

        Do you want to take bets about what will happen first…G walking again and back to work or the pyos being cast again? lol! I’m thinking Spring on both counts. Then we’ll talk about a friend for Prax. 😀


        😮 I am stunned!! He is so gorgeous! One of the best griffins I’ve seen!!


          Wow, GB!!!! 😮 You just keep getting better and better!!! 😀


          He’s GORGEOUS! 😮


          lamortefille wrote:

          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          lamortefille wrote:

          I think he needs to go sit next to Prax! 😀 He’s just wonderful, GB!

          Thank you! That’s quite a good idea, you know – I’m open to commissions once the store gets more PYOs. 😳

          Do you want to take bets about what will happen first…G walking again and back to work or the pyos being cast again? lol!

          Add my finally getting my motorcycle to that list.
          Where’d the rolling eyes emoticon go?


          eaglefeather831 wrote:

          😮 I am stunned!! He is so gorgeous! One of the best griffins I’ve seen!!

          Thank you, all of you. I’m glad he’s liked.

          WSC, I boxed him up but wasn’t able to mail him on Saturday because I got called into work in the morning. Maybe my brother can mail him today, but he’s probably going to get caught in the holiday rush anyway, so you’ve got a bit a wait ahead of you.


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            lamortefille wrote:

            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            lamortefille wrote:

            I think he needs to go sit next to Prax! 😀 He’s just wonderful, GB!

            Thank you! That’s quite a good idea, you know – I’m open to commissions once the store gets more PYOs. 😳

            Do you want to take bets about what will happen first…G walking again and back to work or the pyos being cast again? lol!

            Add my finally getting my motorcycle to that list.
            Where’d the rolling eyes emoticon go?

            The bike, too? Blah!


            Quite alright. This is the first time I have had to sit and check out the forums anyway since before Thanksgiving. 😮
            I have been working some strange hours. We have had sick workers and one fell today on the ice that the snow storm brought us…If people would just learn how to shovel the snow. We got maybe 2 inches, so nobody shovels. :nea:
            I am walking back across town tomorrow to go in and help decorate on my day off. *glutten for punishment* But the good thing is, I will be right next door to the PO. 🙂 I can send off everything at once! (Well, almost everything… 😕 )
            I really can’t wait to see him! 😀 **Has to remember…Patience is a virtue** 😆


            My little brother said he’d mail him tomorrow, Wednesday. Then it’ll probably be the end of December before you get him, but oh well.


            Maybe I will get him jsut in time for Christmas…Sometimes I get lucky. XD


              Wow, just wow. He is such a beautiful griffin!


              Thank you. *warm fuzzies*

              Speaking of which… Snap! We need a warm fuzzies emoticon. 🙂

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