Blue Morpho Baby Dragons question

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  • #917480

    I have to say I’m glad you’re changing it back. I’d just about decided not to get any of the simplified ones. On the one hand, I sympathize with your need to make price = work. On the other, you shouldn’t mess with success!

    It's not hoarding if it's books!
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      I have the Fledgling, Baby Fledgling, Coiled, Mother Coiled, Hatching 2 and curlie in the Blue Morpho and just took another look at them. I could really see a difference between the Fledgie and the Baby Fledgie after Melody pointed out where it was.


        I keep telling myself I don’t have any place to put the Blue Morpho Old Warrior and keep telling my self to keep my fingers off the keyboard.


          I think this batch of Blue Morpho babies is pretty, and my Blue Morpho dragons are not displayed all together, so the difference in pattern should not be a problem. Even my “classic” Blue Morphos (Rising Spectral, curlie, and hatching) are not obviously a set because the effect is quite different on each sculpt.

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