Blue Curlies: Boo Boo? Pics Added

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      i got my blue curlie today and it has blue eyes too.
      i really like the blue i have one with blue eyes and one with the straw eyes.


      Aw man, eye color change? I like the curlie with blue eyes.


        After seeing the pic I do now prefer the blue eyed to the straw one.. like I said before, if anyone wants to swap or sell theirs, let me know. πŸ™‚ I can see one of these “mistakes” going on Ebay for alot though…


          Phoenix wrote:

          wolflodge100 wrote:

          Well, I had to go open mine up and look and he has yellow eyes! So I guess you got a special one! πŸ˜€

          So was yours from the second batch? I’m really surprised. I thought they would all be the same.
          Now I just have to hope for a third batch to come out so I can have one of each πŸ˜€

          Oops, brain fart, mine is from the first 😳


          Just opened mine and it has blue eyes! After seeing the pic yesterday I was hoping mine would have the blue, I love them both though!


            Ooo! I like the blue eyes. That’s really pretty. I’m not particular about eye color though. One with either eyes would be alright with me. If someone gets one and doesn’t want it, let me know! πŸ˜€


              I hope they come out with a third batch after the move with the straw eyes. I liked them better.


                The stone is different too. I have one from the first batch. The eyes are straw with a topaz stone. The lavendar in the first batch has lavendar eyes and an amethyst stone. Nifty! πŸ™‚


                I like both colors of eyes in these guys. Both of them are pretty.


                  siberakh1 wrote:

                  The stone is different too. I have one from the first batch. The eyes are straw with a topaz stone. The lavendar in the first batch has lavendar eyes and an amethyst stone. Nifty! πŸ™‚

                  The lavendars are the same in both batches right?


                    I hope the lavenders stay the same. I’d like him just as the store photo shows. If he ends up changing I don’t think I’d want him… and purple is my favorite color πŸ˜•


                    All I know, is that I want some out of the next batch, I haven’t been around for either batch, and I missed twice. grrr πŸ˜†
                    But i’d like the lavender eyes and blue eyes…Eh, it doesn’t matter really, as long as they have eyes! πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                      Oh… it’s a blue eyed, blue jewel, periwinkle people eater!

                      He’s simply beautiful in-hand. Not the most flattering of pictures though, so I think a more official photo shoot with the rest of my collection will be in order tonight. I never realized curls were so tiny-adorable though, this one’s my first.


                        Your first, bet it won’t be your last. πŸ˜†


                          That picture is so much better than mine! I couldn’t get the colors right!

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