Blonde Griffin…up for offers!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Blonde Griffin…up for offers!

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      Here’s my blond griffin…I’d like your thoughts on her…She’s up for offers if anyone is interested in her. Thanks!



        I like the subtle blonde on white–very nice! 😀


        Nicely done, though I tend to like flashy colors better. Purplecat, you’ve got to be the most prolific PYO painter out there.


          I’m trying to broaden my horizons and do a couple of subtler pieces…it probably will only last a couple pieces…I did a misfit griffin that’s in my photobucket, he’s REALLY bright and flashy! I may put him up for offers too but he looks…um…different…I couldn’t decide between spots and stripes and he ended up with both 😳 ….hehe…


          You mean the one with the sopts on his haunches? I think he looks great!


            you want him? My husband told me I needed to start over and try something else on him! 😆


              If I had any money….I’d make an offer….

              I like it…


                She’s very pretty! I think I would like her better though if she had blue or light blue eyes rather than royal/bright blue.


                  The blonde griffin above does have the regular blue eyes, the one in my photobucket has the royal blue…and I agree on that one. I’d had that one sitting around primed and ready for so long that I had no clue as to what color of eyes were underneath…it would be nicer with lighter eyes. I would have picked bright yellow if I could do it over.


                    purplecat wrote:

                    The blonde griffin above does have the regular blue eyes, the one in my photobucket has the royal blue

                    Those are regular blue? They look so dark. I wish I could see all three shades of blue eyes in one picture of unpainted PYOs so I could really compare them. The blue/light blue on the eyes and jewels chart looks very close to me.

                    purplecat wrote:

                    I’d had that one sitting around primed and ready for so long that I had no clue as to what color of eyes were underneath

                    😆 Maybe you should write the eye and jewel color in pencil on the bottom of your PYOs so that way you will always know the eye color and it can be covered by the felt pad when you are finished.


                      I probably will!


                      I like this griffin. Very nice.


                        I really like him too…I wish I could afford him, i’d make you an offer but i don’t think it would be what you are looking to get for him probably 🙁



                          mmloda wrote:

                          I really like him too…I wish I could afford him, i’d make you an offer but i don’t think it would be what you are looking to get for him probably 🙁

                          I’m always open to offers or trades! I’m looking for $100-125 or trades if you have something I dont!

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